54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

im a mod don’t worry

Reader = mod in pro language if u can’t tell

:cry: my names not acutally isaac_Gonzalez :cry:

:cold_sweat: im sorry i lied to you all


sup mod


Can I become mod too

Oh god it’s you.

whats wrong with her

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don’t disrespect the best mafia player in the world please…

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13-22-4-4-6 11-18-17-3-4-15-8-3

code for my real name if you can crack it somehow ill put you on the noob list

mvddf krqcdohc

That proposes an interesting duality

you’ve only done 1 step

this never happened

yeah so wanna give a hint to the cipher key? its not noob, pro, or isaac

whats that

I thought it was cipher using those letters, seeing as its not I dont think this goes any farther

oops that didn’t work heres a new code

+D||N RZY|<|//P|<