54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m going to figure out why my brain prefers things this way

the better question is why people’s brains pretty consistently prefer things the same way (among native English speakers)

because it’s a grammatical rule in English that most native speakers have forgotten

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It’s a gay bag small

What’s the rule though

big must go before green or youre not worthy

We’re not told about it but every text that’s used to teach us grammar and spelling uses that order, so we just assume it has to be like that.

The order is Quantity-Quality-Size-Age-Shape-Colour-Proper Adjective-Purpose

A cube looking object you can put stuff inside with characteristics of blue whale And grass

my brain says that that’s wrong because a gay tall kid is weird and a tall gay kid is normal

but maybe ‘gay’ isn’t a quality???

Twelve beautiful large 11 year old circular orange aretes

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gay transcends normal grammatical rules


What else defies these rules

I should start mixing this stuff around to purposely annoy people because I’m a nice person

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Actual answer: that probably made sense back when gay was just a word meaning happy, but now it’s a proper noun referring to… G A Y but also still the original thing kind of and also the quality of being near the maybe-stereotypes of GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY

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I am above the law

As a scholar in Gae Studies™ I can confirm this is the case.


My ideology is My purpose

basically there are three types of gay, and they’re connected but not identical

  • actually being homosexual
  • the umbrella definition to refer to many members of the LGBTQAI+ community that aren’t exactly gay

and that’s it


please note that the amount of A in the last one generally tends to personal preference, and how on top of the current situation you are in you are



banned for homophobia smh