54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’ll spill the beans.

that seems like a fine deal to me

Alright. Just hand over the button…

nah nah nah. you first

But ladies go first.
I solemnly swear I will spill the beans after you give me the button.

I’m taking this bucko down before he has the chance to press it!

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ladies? whatsit?

ah you see, if you shoot me one of the bullets will press the button themselves

I, Magnus, order you to hand over the button. You are powerless to resist.

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What if I use a different gun? :thinking:

Simon, if anime is deleted Doraemon will be gone too, you monster.

haha, no lol

that sounds suspiciously like a you problem

You must obey.
Only anime can overpower anime, and you’re not anime.

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ah, but if there is no anime, then what anime would there be to overpower me?

Nah, ask a lot of people here about it.

But there’s still anime.
And you cannot delete it, or you NEVER get the beans!

Anime exists at this very moment, therefore you must obey Magnus for he has now taken control of your mind and body

If you think about it Pokémon is anime too.

(It is, because it’s a cartoon made in Japan)