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what the fuck
eevee put that role in a game for beginners?


Where do you think that idea came from


Ahhhhhh I see

Context is magical :slight_smile:

that kind of thing is Advanced Bullshit™

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eevee is Advanced Bullshit™

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Eevee is on another level above all of us tbh

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That’s why closed setups are terrible for newbies :stuck_out_tongue:
because everyone knows how they work, and you don’t, and you can’t even ask the host

But yea Eevee is beyond good and evil :wink:

i absolutely love rolemadness games but partially because the first 5 games I played were rolemadness

and I thought vanilla games were absolutely insane

or is he Beyond Good And Evil 2?

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it’s not closed setups in general imo, it’s just the specific personality who made said setup
like me and eevee are superficially simmilar in design principles
but eevee prefers tinkering with mechanics, whereas i prefer tinkering with roles

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Deffo agree that playing a closed game is buying into the specific creator rather than the game

Same for me, sulit. ToL was my first social game ever, so everything else is strange in the beginning ^^

literally how tf did you find this first


Youtube. Skimm.


I was looking for strategy games tbh, and somehow I came to him and to ToL…

so like
eevee will put in a strange global mechanic like, oh, i dunno, you can use certain phrases to influence the path of the flavour, which reflects back onto the game in weird ways

whereas i’ll put in a Hated Weak Gladiator or something dumb like that
and see if somebody figures out how to make it useful