54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

honestly i feel we spent so long presuming journals existed in the old days that we completely forgot there was a possibility that like
they might not
and now we’re stuck with them

Logs exist in ToL :woman_shrugging:
It was strange that they even tried to remove them in FoL, but 1000 as cap is a good solution


1000 characters

I read 1000 words

that happened in a game here

the hydra members all attempted to bus their other heads

Goal was to make impossible to put full written readlists in your logs

i feel as if i lost a handful of brain cells reading this thread

yeah i know priestess told me
that’s the kind of thing that’s not supposed to happen in a game called “FM academy”

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uhhhhhhhh :joy:

also something something that’s their fault for bussing early in the first place

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It’s understandable in context

Turbos often have logs because having mere minutes each day is rarely enough to vocalize all of your thoughts, so having a way to pass them on when you die is a sensible way to account for this.

In longer games, however, journals are often entirely unnecessary as you have hours to talk. This means it’s just a way for someone to spill even more on their way down, which punishes evils in an already mechanically harder game.

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what the fuck

If you don’t have logs, you are forced to open claim, so your infos don’t get lost


and why is that a problem?

ToL is bastard by Priestess’s definition because the game lies to you about how CW empower works


It absolutely can be in turbos

because Open-Claim-Meta-D2

Curse you

go sleep arete
