54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

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Hey @katze you know I have no like limit, right?

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im well aware

arete showed me

I got up to something like 168 before getting bored, or so kat tells me

Feel free to top that :upside_down_face:

eevee is about to like every post kat ever made :eyes:

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189 to be exact

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@eevee-sama you’re free to do so, as long as you buy me dinner first

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Kat I uhm… like your posts :flushed:

What if we…

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Nah, Arete has a limit.

However eevee_bot does not, due to issueing likes directly through an api.
And eevee_bot api key now works from my main account.

So how about I automate liking process and like ALL the posts you ever made in few seconds flat?


…im intrigued

dinner first?

does this mean eevee can like all posts in the forums

I can

Arete’s daily like limit is twice of basic user btw.



Arete is over that tho

no im just hungry


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You know I would be okay if you said otherwise, right? :^)