54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Well my parents met in a bar in Austin Texas looking for bar dates

Urs have a better origin story

Just… do it?

If they like you, that means that they like spending time with you?

Why not try to ask them out?

Even if that’s overly awkward… none will want to hurt someone who is brave enough to come forward with theirs feelings?

My parents met at college

Then broke up


But god is here.

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My parents met at a Christian camp. I am bi and an Atheist :eyes:


I am older than god

Then how come you didn’t play in my first miscs :thinking:

cuz timezones

How is either of that your problem tho?

If you are friendzoned, just keep being friend with that person, why not.
If you are rejected, that means that if you didn’t ask out it would be exactly the same.
And hard choice is not really your problem, is it?

Well we’re going on a group-hang out type of thing at the mall on Friday

2 girls and me and my close freind

Cuz us 4 talk a lot

But I’m gonna stick with what I have RN

Cuz I’m content

Imagine sleeping at night.

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If I’m rejected they’ll know I like them and it’ll be super awkward to talk to them afterwards

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I don’t remember where my parents met… maybe in college?

I know I was conceived in Vegas though… Well, possible conceived…

I like the sound of that for some reason

Exactly my fear

Especially since there are so little people in my class compared to public school

There aren’t ways to really avoid people or not talk to them a while

i think i might be asexual to be honest
i haven’t really been romantically attracted to anyone in about 3 1/4 years

Nothing wrong with asexual.
I think I’m asexual.

If they stick to you guys, it means they have a good time when spending time with you.
Just figure out which of them lieks you and which likes your friend more and… go ahead?

Like there is no mystery beyond that.

Couples are pairs of people who enjoy each other and spending time with each other.

I know I’m oversimplifying it… but… that’s pretty much it.

If they enjoy spendihng time with you, there is nothing stopping you to make another step.

im not sure if i particularly want to be asexual, but i think at some point the switch just flipped for me after i failed over and over again in romantic endeavors between 3 1/2 and 6 years ago

i’ve kind of become asexual tbh

i mean technically im bi but i don’t have any interest in relationships and haven’t in the past 2 years because reasons that would be worthy of a trigger warning or something

i also found the hard way that when pursuing a romantic endeavor backfires, it can destroy friendships