54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

My parents met at a bar :eyes:


I physically have a hard time talking to people as it is. Dating? No way

I’m surprised I ever got into a relationship, let alone two


Here is good advice aboout both trying to get a date and playing mafia:
Be open.

You know how hard it’s to read other person from playing mafia.

so instead go to them and be open about your feelings and that you want to try.

Even if they won’t instantly feel the same, at least they will know and maybe they will decide to give it a try and it will turn out to be that one person.

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you can’t do that as mafia

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That’s why I’m avoiding bar relationshiops, duh

I’m putting in some effort

I am freinds with a few girls who I like but I don’t wanna damage that by being like “I like u”

Especially since I have very few female friends

idk i claimed mafia in tos mafia

people didnt seem to mind

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Unless you’re trans
then you ded in that aspect

same but with males

Funny fact… my parents met at volounteer work in hospital in africa.

Yeah, my family is far from normal.

ah dang i did not realize that i was older than you

But I’m fine with where I am now

And I’d rather not damage relationships then just be where I am rn

I don’t want to

a) be rejected
b) friendzoned
c) make it really awkward whether accepted or rejected

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im pretty sure im a couple months older than arete or something

I didn’t realize you’re older than me

Once in ToS I claimed transporter in Classic as Executioner.
Got my target lynched d2.

well i am

I am older than everyone here

you’re all zoomers to me