54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Nah, guest room.

I mean… I can be if you want, but that’s a premium service :^)

That’d be amazing tbh, I’d love to travel when I’m able, but I have a feeling my mother would not be happy with me going across the ocean to stay with a random person I met on the internet that’s like 7 years older than me


oh hey my friend arrived

it’s you

Ok hear me out

This same talk but all of us are at eevee’s place + drinks not for y’all underage people tho sorry lmao

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shots fired


I mean, ask PKR for example when I was sleeping at thiers house in UK.

I also cooked them some polish meals, cause why the heck not.
They showed me around theirs city.
I did some own stuff / sightseeing during day.
In evening we were playing games on PS4/Switch/Board games.

Just… that’s not a problem if any of you want to visit here simlar to that.

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If I’m ever in Poland

Also for those of y’all worried about being too awkward to pursue romantic relationships, just go for it. Not much can go wrong if you take the right approach, and if you make it clear you’re open to staying friends when you ask, they won’t be awkward or dissociate from you just bc you asked. Life is short, grab it by the horns

– from Person Who Did This Last Week And Had A Lot Of Anxiety Over It But It Turned Out Fine, See?

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What is drinking age in Poland?



Then if I’m somehow able to go to Poland, I can actually be more of an adult (Even by a little bit)

drinking isnt worth it

i say this from too much experience

who wants to take a shot with me


No, that’s not like that.

You got a place to sleep and food guaranteed.
Now just start planning if you can go if you think you want to see that country.

I first checked if I can sleep at XYZ house in USA, PKR in Uk ect. ect., then started planning that I want to go there and checked landmarks, interesting places, planes and stufff.

the problem is that plane tickets to Poland and back cost many bread loaves




this is just flexing ):