54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Okay then.


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405$ from NY to Poland there and return.

And I just checked random mid-summer date.


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Here you have one-way cost for random mid-summer date I picked.

Gotta learn polish put that on the checklist

That looks very different from Spanish

I mean, I speciallt changed currency to USD on scyscanner so you can understand.

Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz.



We out here.
doesn’t help that I’m as far as you can get on USA Mainland


what if you flew to my place first :flushed:

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Can we wrestle some alligators :flushed:

Where are you getting such bizarrely cheap plane tickets

SAS is very expensive airline.

I used it few times to travel to UK, I know it.

Scandinavian airlines are very comfortable, but… expensive.


Everything here is cheaper.


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oh boy I’m going to college in Poland boys


I still remember certain drummer before concert going to McDonald in Poland together with their’s band singer and singer from other band who were meant to give concerst on that’s night show.

That drummer was in Poland before and just ordered all the biggest stuff possible for everyone, paid for it with card and sat down at the table.

Both bands singers were like “Wtf, don’t buy us that much stuff, how much we own you” and he said “I was here before, just look how cheap food here is” and shown us the receipt.

Both singers were amazed at at how cheap food was in Poland…

I was amazed that british bank robbed them of 25% of theirs money on money conversion and they were still amazed it’s so cheap.

Like… lmao.

They got 3.5zł per 1 gbp when it was over 5zł per 1 gbp in reality.


which band was it

this is important