54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Yeah I doubt anyone has kids for the money

Especially considering how much kids cost(at least in Murica) both time and money wise

(I know it’s more of covering the costs of childcare but still kinda eh in the long run)

imma have a kid for the money just to prove you wrong

I mean, Magnus is right in some cases.
Polish beauracracy, how much they try to trick people ect are… on a next level.

Like polish banks recently gave money for national polish airlines to buy certain german airlines, which raised several questions among competitors.

Like… why would banks help airlines.

You see… due to this while beuracracy and some of company shares belonging to country, some to people, some to other companies… they managed to agree to transfer some of income from banks to airlines, becouse some of investors were covering and they wanted to improve income on other company ect. ect.

The beauracracy behind all things like that is weird.
It’s complicated.


As I said with my life example and main family.
Poland is country where you have several influential companies/families owning a lot of stuff.

And even if we are overeducated country, they kinda keep us in dark.

But also due to several people holding a lot of buisnesses, the cooperation between them is way closer, meaning that end products are cheaper.


Not much to bother for foreigner, but as person who knows what’s going on behind the scene a bit… Poland is weird politicaly.
Magnus is right here.

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You would be surprised here actually.

For like 500… whatever your currency is

Unless Poland currency is hella stacked

Medical costs just for the pregnancy would probably break even

Not to mention things to get for childcare

And the cost of… having a kid

I mean that’s a shit ton

Also wtf fk is here wut

The problem with 500 program is that most of woman just don’t decide to go back to work after giving birth, since they are paid anyway.

And they are paid as long as they DO NOT earn over certain amount.
So if they earn just above it, they would get nothing.

So either you just get money for doing nothing or you get bit more money for working.
Choice is yours.

who wants to have a kid with me

ill split the profits

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wow are you ignoring ayaya?

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ayaya gets lonely

also i want money

That’s why this is imo just a move to get support for certain political party and definetly not helping.

But some people think otherwise.


Political stuff.


does anyone else have adhd that can help solve my problem that I literally didn’t realize was a problem until now

Not to mention if you are unemployed, goverment will pay you some support money till you find a job anyway.

So… it’s actually more than 500 if it all connect.

500 is just per child bonus to waht you get when you are unemployed.

I don’t, but if you’d like I can still offer advice and attempt to help solve problem

Hi FK I do

im like 99% sure i have undiagnosed adhd if it helps :eyes: