54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Does running help?

If it’s during class maybe ask to go to bathroom and walk around the halls

that’s probably from anxiety

Jumping jacks

cause I do that to

but I don’t think it’s from adhd

I’m fine during school because My medicine is still working then

Maybe try taking smaller doses so it wears off before you have a small amount of time to expend the energy

When do yours normally wear off

Hmm ok bearing in mind I don’t actually know what I’m talking about

I had a camper with a similar issue and one thing she found helpful was the all-camp games we did every night. The running and other physical activity helped drain some of her restless energy so she was doing better by the end of the night. Is this something that you think would help?

Another random question that may or may not become relevant: what’s your relationship with caffeine? How does it affect you?

Maybe don’t do it without talking to doctor first. Duh.

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Well yeah, duh

I have never tried coffee

And no, eevee is not good enough in neural stuff to qualify as doctor.

Also that’s not really how it works from my understanding

Drink 5 hour energy at 6

800iq strats

I tried and it was bad

From my understanding there’s short term release and long term release and the dose is just how strong it is

U need some milk

Have you had any caffeinated beverages (i.e. coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, etc)?

In general, not right now

I am indeed a human being who drinks soda

I had milk and sugar there