54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Coffee is awsome.

Not instant one, just real one you have to grind to make a coffee.

I don’t drink those cuz they are bad(or anything that isn’t water LUL) except for 5-hour which I will take if I’m in danger of falling asleep in class

what is the best song off IGOR and why is it NEW MAGIC WAND

Alright. When you drink soda with caffeine, how does it affect you? Do you feel like you are more alert or have more energy? Or does it affect you differently?

I don’t really know,

no noticeable effects from when I drink it

I’m not an expert

Have you tried just asking your doctor about it

I don’t have ADHD but I’m on the spectrum which has some vaguely overlapping characteristics and sometimes I jump up and down for A While

would that help

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I get the urge to move or walk a lot

I usually just run and since I’m unathletic as shit I get tired after 4 minutes and am fine

I don’t drink coffee and get up at 6:30am every day.


i get up at 6 daily

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With coffee?

Idk will try

theres free coffee when i get into work


Coffee <3

coffee <3

coffee bad


It may be something you want to investigate more, as caffeine affects everyone differently.

The main reason I’m asking is to find a way to release or reduce that energy you’re talking about. I recently found out that when I drink caffeinated beverages on a nonempty stomach, I become more alert, but mellow out overall. It’s obviously not a clear fix, but it may help with the jitters. Make sure you’re wary of how it affects your sleep tho, as underlying effects can cause you to lose sleep even after the main wave is over.

I know where to find coffee in the teachers lounge and how to get in

And the good printer

But I usually don’t need those 2 things

But the knowledge is nice

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