54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I shouldn’t talk about it here though leave me alone

I can’t imagine the days not becoming stale after like 1 week irl.

Also it’s snowing here too now.

Oh god you’ve been infected

I don’t have school today the roads are literally ice

I’m half tempted to get out a disk sled and slide down the roads because I am very mature

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Lol, can’t even do that, there’s not enough snow.


I know.

Help I can’t figure out how to imagify this.

Oh wait, you can’t even access that link.



I did it.

That’s about the amount of snow we get each winter in Belgium, but we used to get more.


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We used to get like half that much. Global Warming sux.


Anyway, back to ToS 2 now.

I kinda want to create a role suggestion thread for it…?

That’d be cool
