54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I swear if I created it and nobody’s going to suggest anything I will…

Give me a second I need to do school things

Just 10 more minutes and I have my likes again.

I have to wait 6 hours

Suggestion: If someone likes one of your posts, you should get an extra like.

That totally won’t backfire, right?

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Imagine having any snow ever

i wish

Come 2 Texas

We have no snow

And when there is even a small amount of ice school is cancelled

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Okay but I gotta go to Poland first

But that prolly has like double the snow of where you are now

We’ve had NO SNOW this month in NY/NJ. Record setting.


We’ve had less snow than we’ve usually had but I can’t imagine NY getting zero


Zero. Maybe a dusting but nothing in February.

Where u at?

North Indiana

Mid states get about the same amount of snow as us but I guess being closer to the coast bought us less this year :man_shrugging:

RIP Indiana

We got snow like once or twice over the winter