54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

actually the 2 thing is a rreeferencee. pay no attention tto it

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Meth it is

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no meetth wwas invoolveed iin this… incideentt



you turned on sticky keys oh god oh fuck

wait is that what this is?

I don’t know what is it


Try it and see if it helps.

it is not stticky keeys

I diaableed tthat bastard fucncttion yyearrs ago

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Bang your device against the table a couple times see what happens

how about ii don’t

Are the keys just pressing multiple times when you press them once

ding ding ding

Is it certain keys or do all of them do it

uu2ually vooweels, hencee tthee rreeference

Try turning the keyboard off and on again, the solution for everything. Alternatively, try turning yourself off and on again and let me know how it goes.


how about I don’t