54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

That lake effect snow tho

Yeah you guys get creamed every year dontcha?

Yep lol

Temperatures have been all over the place this winter though

One day it’ll be under 0 degrees the next it’s 40 and up

I’m not complaining. Past few days it’s been in the 50s in goddamn NYC

Next week it’s suppose to get up to the 50s here

Hoping it actually happens so I can actually be outside without freezing

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When does it warm up by you, Late March?

Yeah about then

You know it’s been cold when I’m willing to wear a short sleeved shirt in 40 degree weather


I’m wearing a short sleeved shirt and shorts in 40 degree weather lul

im always cold

I don’t wear shirts that aren’t short sleeved, regardless of weather

Although I do wear pants

I rarely wear shorts unless lolsoccer

I rarely wear shorts unless lolbasketball

Light game
Started 2015 and is still going

Define light…

2oo. gue22 what happened to mee thi2 ttime

You swapped the s key with the 2 key


You ate the S key?

Oh, this works too

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