54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

everyone knows i can

nobody seems to care

f u c k

That’s slightly concerning

me sleeping in class so often made my parents think i had narcolepsy

but i have bad insomnia lol


nobody really thinks its gross at all lul

more that im a legend

I try really hard not to fall asleep in class but sometimes I’ll just be sitting there and it’s an extreme struggle to keep my eyes open

a kid slept in our bio class last thursday

we walked out and got a teacher to tell him school was over

funny as shit

I feel like if I did it it’d be gross

just dont make it overly-public

just go in the bathroom

or if you think your teacher will be skeptical and not let you leave

the trash can


the recycling bin?


People literally watch you

nobody really cares

in my experience

That’s probably fair

that happened to me a few times

both me sleeping through multiple classes and people making me think i had

jokes on them my grades were actually quite good somehow

nah the kid is smart

he’s pretty fucking weird and probably into me oop and i don’t know how he has good grades but he does

just stays up all night playing minecraft


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you’re describing me in high school pretty well

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into marshal

do u randomly twerk during class

when i was in high school marshal was…

really young