54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

large dogs will be friendly
i’ve seen a great dane actively avoid a small child because, well
they’re massive and child is small, so child may be hurt
small dogs are the embodiments of satan and will actively seek out the consumption of your soul

German Shepard<3



sulit did leak a hand

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i prefer a great dane
they’re really enjoyable until they see another dog and proceed to drag you across the yard because the moment they start gaining momentum you will be sent flying

I just want to see a doggo smile everyday

That would make me happy

my dog has some great dane in him

ive met other ones and they are chill as fuck too

ow my back hurts

I feel old

i had a purebred great dane
only a child and yet still absolutely MASSIVE
now imagine this goliath of a dog
now it’s a child, so it’s very energetic
and the moment it starts gaining momentum, you can’t do anything to stop it


as far as puppies go i think corgi/golden retriever puppies are the cutest

corgis by far have the winning smile

if i got a dog i’d go for a corgi or corgi mix

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well another dog

cuz i already have a great dog

he also has a winning smile

which is my #1 concern

and also very chill


german shepherd puppies are cutest

you’re arguing over which dogs are the cutest
but i have already seen the purebreds
and they can be pretty damn cute

ok boomer

italy spends 7 minutes trying to upload year old dog photos and fails because they’re all too big

Upload it to discord first then copy and paste the link


yum yum yum yum

im sure you do