54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the original cookie receiver

im the cookie dispatcher now

unfortunately ive eaten them all

i only know jazz as the cookie dispatcher

:fortune_cookie: what the hell is this?

a fake cookie

:eyes: new logo.

New :clap: Laptop :clap: Hours :clap:


now, finally, I can talk without sounding like an obnoxious Homestuck character


This also means a return to a more usual Icibalus style given the change in hardware, and should be extremely exciting going into the next ranked Icibalus season, in which I hope that this Icibalus reaches Mythic and enters the Top 8. Competitive Icibalusing is very serious, after all.


also, this probably means greater activity in general, and more dumb bastard bullshit. stay tuned, everyone!

Anybody know how you can distract 10 teachers to actually got do fun stuff on a school trip?

I’m bored, should I start an AMA thread?

I has’t hath decided to typeth in Old English to combat the b’redom. This seemeth liketh 'twill ent’rtain me at least until school ends.

This is probably really incorrect, I just googled Old English translator.

Arghhh just 10 more minutes of hell.

what is your social security number

I don’t even know if we have those in Belgium lol.

Nvm, it’s


What’s yours?


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