54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

biggest F


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I’ve been stalking these fora for so long, not logged in, on dark theme that my eyes are now blinded from light theme.

The internal struggle.


preferences > interface > theme

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Sorry, Reaper cannot be converted.


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Scroll down

i counteracted the imbalance arete made with a dark theme class

balance was restored

i realized i messed up change settings


I can finally tell you that I finished dangan completely and it was epic. Thanks for the introduction. :slight_smile:

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no problem, took you a long time tho.

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Now play zero escape trilogy

Nah I finished it ages ago, but couldn’t tell you about it. It definitely made a lasting impression however. ^^

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Sell me on it. :upside_down_face:

favourite character?

That’s difficult, I’ll settle for a top 3 in no particular order.


Ok so it’s made by the same company. It’s like Dangan Rompa where you have a set of characters locked in set area. But instead of trials. You are doing puzzles based on the environment to open doors to try and survive before the master of the game Zero kills u. The first game your trapped on a boat with bombs on your wrists with 9 doors you can open, 9 people, and 9 hours to escape. This mixed with great writing sold me on it. The second one is my personal favorite and uses the prisoners dilemma a lot. You can buy 1 and 2 on steam as a group and 3 separately as well.

Good choices.

What about the girls side?

Girls don’t interest me


What about you?