SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


The Gayson

Town social
Masons(Passive) - You are masons with another random town or blue dragon player at the beginning of the match. This player must be the same gender as you

Come out(day) - Publicly reveal yourself and your partner as masons. You both will not be able to recieve protection after this




Blue Dragon Investigative
Improving Player (Passive): Whenever you are on the wagon of a player you cannot win with at the end of the day and they get executed, you gain a use of Fweh. Does not bypass flip altering effects.
Fweh (Day): Prevent target player from using day abilities today (0 uses)
VCA (Night): Submit a copy of the previous day’s vote count, with any number of players colored with the color of a faction. You will learn how many of your guesses were correct. If a player appears multiple times for any reason, each guess will count. If a player has additional or reduced votes, the modified vote amount will affect the final calculation. Bypasses framing and tailoring effects. The host will provide color codes if necessary (Infinite uses)
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.

Converts to Sauron (2), except that the win condition and faction are updated to match the faction converted to and the class name will instead be Evil Vulgard.



Adrien Agreste

Miraculous Killer
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities on you will fail and you will not be able to get your Enhanced Defense passive if you transform into Cat Noir.
Celebrity Status (Day) - Give a notification to a player and threaten them not to use their day abilities today. If they do use them anyway, they will be bled. If the player doesn’t use their day abilities, you get a piece of camembert. - Infinite Uses
Plagg, Claws Out! (Night) - Once you obtain a piece of camembert, you gain a use of this ability. If you use this ability, you will transform into Cat Noir. - 0 Uses
Your objective is to eliminate all threats to the Town, Blue Dragon, and other uninformed majority classes.

Transforms into:

Cat Noir

Miraculous Killer
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities will fail on you and your Enhanced Defense passive will fail. Also, once you use Cataclysm, you will revert back to Adrien Agreste.
Enhanced Defense (Passive) - If you get attacked for the first time, it will be negated. This passive only works once even if you return to being Cat Noir.
Cataclysm (Day) - Bypass any day protection a player has and kill them. - 1 Use
Sharp Claws (Night) - Keep watch over a player and kill anyone that attacks them. However, you cannot protect your target. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to eliminate all threats to the Town, Blue Dragon, and other uninformed majority classes.

Converts into Cat Blanc or Acolyte


Cat Blanc

Unseen Killer
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities on you will fail and your Enhanced Defense passive will fail.
Enhanced Defense (Passive) - If you get attacked for the first time, it will be negated.
Cataclysm (Day) - Bypass any day protection a player has and kill them. - 1 Use
Blinding Light (Night) - Select a member of the Unseen. If they get visited by an Investigative class, you will attack them. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Town, any other uninformed majority classes, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Massclaimer

Neutral Killer
Massclaim or Else (Passive) - All attacks on a non-claimer will always succeed, except for you. If they claim in a private chat, they will be considered a claimer.
Heads up (Passive) During the first day, you must submit a message to the court relating to them claiming. If none is provided, you will be modkilled.
Shield of Claims (Passive) - Death and Bleed immune. You are always a Claimer.
Force a Claim (Day) - Send this message to a player: “Claim or Die.” If they do not claim by the end of the day, they will be attacked the following night. 3 uses
Non-Claimer (Day) - At the end of the day, instantly switch the lynch onto a non-claimer of your choice. 1 use
Stabbity Stab Stab (Night) - Attack a player. Inf uses
You didn’t claim, did you? (Night) - Attack a player, provided they didn’t claim. This will not count as an attack. 2 uses
Eliminate any and all who have not claimed publically.


Light Theme

Mafia Offensive
Beyond Salvation (Passive): Immune to occupation and redirection.
Change Settings (Day): All day abilities that cause the user to receive feedback will fail if used today. (2 uses)
Blind (Night): Target two players. If any are investigative classes, they will be occupied. (Infinite uses)
Defeat the town, the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



Dark Theme

Town Support
Change Settings (Day) - All day abilities that cause the user to recieve feedback will succeed today, and their results will always be correct. - 1 use
No Eye Damage (Night) - Target one player, if they are an investigative, their ability will bypass frames, occupation and redirection. - 3 uses
Defeat the scum faction, and any neutrals who seek to do you harm



Alya Césaire

Miraculous Social
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities on you will fail and you will not be able to get your Enhanced Defense passive if you transform into Rena Rouge.
Professional Blogging (Day) - Invite a player into a private chat. If you invite two players of the same alignment, you receive a cookie. This chat remains even if you change classes or alignment - Infinite Uses
Trixx, Let’s Pounce! (Night) - Once you obtain a cookie, you gain a use of this ability. If you use this ability, you will transform into Rena Rouge. - 0 Uses
Your objective is to eliminate all threats to the Town, Blue Dragon, and other uninformed majority classes.

Transforms into:

Rena Rouge

Miraculous Social
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities will fail on you and your Enhanced Defense passive will fail. Also, once you use Mirage, you will revert back to Alya Césaire.
Enhanced Defense (Passive) - If you get attacked for the first time, it will be negated. This passive only works once even if you return to being Rena Rouge.
Cautious Melody (Day) - Select a player currently in your private chat. You will receive their feedback they got after the night phase. - Infinite Uses
Mirage (Night) - Send another player a message in the form of a typical feedback message. - 1 Use
Your objective is to eliminate all threats to the Town, Blue Dragon, and other uninformed majority classes.

Converts into Rena Rage or Apostle


Rena Rage

Unseen Social
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities on you will fail and your Enhanced Defense passive will fail.
Enhanced Defense (Passive) - If you get attacked for the first time, it will be negated.
Cautious Melody (Day) - Select a player currently in your private chat. You will receive their feedback they got after the night phase. - Infinite Uses
Mirage (Night) - Send another player a message in the form of a typical feedback message. - 1 Use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Town, any other uninformed majority classes, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Teemo, The Royal Cat :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
The Royal Cat (Passive) - Votes for you in an election for king will count triple.
Too Cute to Kill (Passive) - You are death immune.
Attention Seeking (Day) - Whoever you target will visit you tonight, if they use an ability that has a negative effect, their ability will fail. - Infinite uses
Seek Help (Night) - A random healer will be forced to heal your target. If there are no living healers, you will heal them instead. You cannot use a night action after using this ability. - Infinite uses :crown:
Maul (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 use :crown:
Become the Cat King Teemo or heal 2 people with Seek Help, Count towards victory with Seek help will carry if you become The Cat King, Teemo You may still step for king if you have won, and it will not cause you to lose if you are kinged.


The Cat King, Teemo :crown: :fire:

Meow (Passive) - You cannot be prevented from talking at day. Additionally, you cannot be occupied, redirected or prevented.
Leading Cat (Passive) - Your vote counts as double until there are 4 people left
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use
Decide Fate (Day) - If a player’s votes have reached at least half majority, you may immediately execute them, or reset votes on them and restrict further voting on them for the rest of the day. - 1 use
Seek Help (Night) - Force a random healer to heal your target, you will heal them yourself if there is no alive healer. - Infinite uses
Catlike Charm (Night) - You will be death immune and immune to butler poison tonight. - 1 use
Successfully heal 2 people with Seek Help or survive.

1 Like


The God-awful child

Mafia Social
Godfather(passive) - You appear as town/bd/other to factional checks

Awful child(night) - Choose to reveal yourself and one non-scum person as mafia at the beginning of the next day. Must be used n3.


Nino Lahiffe

Miraculous Support
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities on you will fail and you will not be able to get your Enhanced Defense passive if you transform into Carapace.
Pumping Up the Jam (Day) - Select a player to heal them today and tonight. If the heal wasn’t needed, then you will receive a cookie. - Infinite Uses
Wayzz, Shell On! (Night) - Once you obtain a cookie, you gain a use of this ability. If you use this ability, you will transform into Carapace. - 0 Uses
Your objective is to eliminate all threats to the Town, Blue Dragon, and other uninformed majority classes.

Transforms into:


Miraculous Support
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities will fail on you and your Enhanced Defense passive will fail. Also, once you use Shell-ter, you will revert back to Nino Lahiffe.
Enhanced Defense (Passive) - If you get attacked for the first time, it will be negated. This passive only works once even if you return to being Carapace.
Taking it Slow (Day) - Select a player. Other players will be prevented from visiting them tonight. - Infinite Uses
Shell-ter (Night) - Send a player a shield that lasts until they get attacked. The shield will disappear in place of the target dying. - 1 Use
Your objective is to eliminate all threats to the Town, Blue Dragon, and other uninformed majority classes.

Converts into Shell Shock or Ritualist


Shell Shock

Unseen Support
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities on you will fail and your Enhanced Defense passive will fail.
Enhanced Defense (Passive) - If you get attacked for the first time, it will be negated.
Taking it Slow (Day) - Select a player. Other players will be prevented from visiting them tonight. - Infinite Uses
Shell-ter (Night) - Send a player a shield that lasts until they get attacked. The shield will disappear in place of the target dying. - 1 Use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Town, any other uninformed majority classes, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Bookkeeper

Blue Dragon Investigative
Meticulous Records (Passive): At the start of the game, you are informed of all factions present in the match.
Check Accounts (Day): Choose a class you cannot win with present in the Grand Idea thread. Learn whether or not that class is present in the match. (Infinite use)
Balance Books (Night): Select any number of players. You will learn how many different factions are represented among those players. (Infinite use)
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.

Converts to:

The Embezzler

Unseen Investigative
Fraudulent Records (Passive): At the start of the game, or when you are converted, you are informed of all factions present in the match and how many members each has.
Forged Accounts (Day): Select any class present in the Grand Idea thread. You will learn if that class is present in the game, and if so who is said class. (Infinite use)
Corrupted Documentation (Night): Select two players. If they are not the same faction, you learn their exact classes. Cannot target members of the Unseen. (Infinite use)
Stolen Funds (Night): Select any Blue Dragon Investigative ability from a class in the Grand Idea thread and use it. (2 use)
Defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Optional Vig

Town Killing

Fright(Passive) - The presence of an optional vig will be revealed at the beginning of the game. It’s alignment will not be revealed.
Non-confrontational(Passive) - You cannot target any player at night who has said “I do not want to die by the optional vig” the day before.

Optional vig(Night) - Shoot a player


Optional Vig

Mafia Killing

Fright(Passive) - The presence of an optional vig will be revealed at the beginning of the game. It’s alignment will not be revealed.
Non-confrontational(Passive) - You cannot target any player at night who has said “I do not want to die by the optional vig” the day before.

Optional vig(Night) - Shoot a player

Look Guys i made a bunch of original BD classes.


The Actuary

"Blue Dragon" Investigative
Sharp Eyes (Day) - Selects a player during the day. In the following night you will be notified if they have used any Day abilities. - 2 uses
Notice to Detail (Day) - At the beginning of the night, you will be told how many day abilities were used the previous day. - 2 uses
Inventory (Night) - Selects a player and you will be informed of the total number of uses they have for both their night abilities combined. Abilities with unlimited usage will count as zero. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Taxman or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Sharp Eyes): Corax’s Mirror (Day) - Along with being notified if they used a day ability, you will also learn which ability your target used. - 2 use


The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

"Blue Dragon" Special
Inside Knowledge (Passive) - At the start of the match you will know which faction the “Blue Dragon” is going agaist.
Tenacity (Passive) - You cannot be occcupied nor redirected, and both of your night abilities can be used at the same time. However, at the same time all protective abilities will fail on you and any kill that targetted you cannot be occupied or redirected. This passive cannot be removed.
Entrust (Day) - Selects a player during the day, this cannot be your n0 green check. They will be immune to conversions for the remainder of the game and will share a neighborhood with you. - One use
Imperial Judgment (Night) - Checks a player’s alignment and kills them if they are a member of the Unseen or the Cult, but at the same time cannot bypass protecting, tailoring, and framing effects. You will be notified of your target’s faction at the end of the night. - Infinite uses
Imperial Providence (Night) - Heal and prevent conversions on a chosen player, the conversion protection. - Infinite uses.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cannot be converted.


The Fortuneteller

"Blue Dragon" Investigative
Numerology (Day) - Tells you how many “Blue Dragon”-aligned players are still alive by the beginning of the coming night. Does not take the Emperor’s alignment into account. - 2 uses
Shuffle Deck (Night) - Grants an additional charge of Tarot Card. - Infinite uses
Tarot Card (Night) - Select three players. By the end of the night you will receive from one to three cards. Each card will tell the role of one of the selected player. Special-type classes will return the same result for Investigative-type classes and Killer-type classes will return the same result for Offensive-type classes. Tarot Card bypasses anything that would prevent visits but you can still be occupied. - 0 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Sibyl or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: Varies
Cult 1 Point Alt:
Shuffle Deck (Night)
Tarot Card (Night)
Cult 2 Point Alt:
(Numerology): Divination by Blood (Day) - Tells you of which “Blue Dragon” classes are still alive and how many. - 2 use


The Governor

"Blue Dragon" Investigative
Kingmaker (Passive) - Your vote during Emperor elections silently counts as three votes.
Certify (Day) - Grants Royal Blood to your target. - 3 uses
Trace Lineage (Night) - Informs you whether your target has Royal Blood or not. - Infinite uses
Background Check (Night) - If an Emperor’s election was held during the previous day, then the Governor will be informed of how many votes each faction received. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Chancellor or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: Varies
Cult 1 Point Alt:
Kingmaker (Passive)
Certify (Day)
Trace Lineage (Night)
Cult 2 Point Alt:
(Background Check): Guidance of the Blood God (Night) - If an election for Emperor happens tomorrow, then only votes for members of the Cult will count. - 1 use


The Socialite

"Blue Dragon" Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Guest List (Day) - By the end of the coming night, you will know how many players of each faction visited you. - 2 uses
Social Links (Night) - Select two players and you will receive a positive result providing both targets’ class type groupings match. Groups are Special/Investigative, Social/Support, and Killer/Offensive. You will receive either no match if they are from different groups, a good match if they are in the same group, and a perfect match if they are the same class type. - Infinite uses
Faction Links (Night) - Select two players and you will receive a positive result providing both targets’ alignments match. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Marchioness or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: Varies
Cult 1 Point Alt:
Royal Blood (Passive)
Social Links (Night)
(Guest List): Gate of Blood (Day) - You will learn whoever visits them the coming night. - 2 use
Cult 2 Point Alt:
(Faction Links): Blasphemous Waltz (Night) - You will convert an additional player to the Cult if the Cult Leader converts tonight. - One use


The Watchman

"Blue Dragon" Investigative
Tracking (Day) - You will learn if your target left their room last night. - 2 uses
Silent Stalking (Night) - You will learn who your target visits this night. - Infinite uses
Midnight Vigil (Night) - You will learn who visits your target this night. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Stalker or The Seeker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1


The Cabalist

"Blue Dragon" Social
Ancient Cabal (Passive) - Cabalists may only roll in groups of two. You will have an all-day chat with the other Cabalist. You are immune to conversion while the other Cabalist is still alive.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to two classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Letter with no Sender (Day) - Sends an anonymous message to a player. - Infinite uses
Cryptic Communications (Night) - Sends an anonymous message to a player and they will be able to post a reply. - Infinite uses
Secretive Connections (Night) - If alive, the other Cabalist will not be able to be voted tomorrow. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Exiled or The Apostle
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Ancient Cabal): Cult Traditions (Passive) - The Cult Leader will be seen as “Blue Dragon” to faction checks while you are alive.
Letter with no Sender (Day)
Cryptic Communications (Night)
(Secretive Connections): Influence of Anstreim (Night) - Prevents another Cultist from being voted tomorrow. - One use


The Coroner

"Blue Dragon" Social
Grave Focus (Day) - In addition to the results from Exhume or Forensics, you will also learn the class of their target’s killer. If the killer is a Psychopathic or Tyrannous Emperor then it will show their previous classes instead. - 2 uses
Exhume (Night) - Selects a deceased player and you will learn of all effects the target received the night they died. - Infinite uses
Forensics (Night) - Selects a deceased player and you will learn of every player that visited them during the entire match. Can only be used on players that died the fourth night or later. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Undertaker or The Apostle
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: Varies
Cult 1 Point Alt:
Exhume (Night)
Forensics (Night)
Cult 2 Point Alt:
(Grave Focus): Corruption of Corax (Day) - Causes a player to flip as another class if they are executed on trial. - One use


The Librarian :shield:

"Blue Dragon" Social
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to two classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Repository (Passive) - You start in a public log network by yourself. Players in the network will be allowed to read the logs of any other player in the network. The Repository remains open while the Librarian is still alive regardless if they have been converted.
Archive (Day) - Invites a player to the log network. The player must accept before joining and can choose to leave at anytime. Can only invite two players per day. - Infinite uses
Revoke (Night) - Removes a player from the log network. - Infinite uses
Shutdown (Night) - Deactivates the Unseen or Cult day chat for the next day and night. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Archivist or The Apostle
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Repository): Library of Corax (Passive) - You will be able to use Archive and Revoke along with your normal night and day abilities as an Apostle, while keeping the log network. Cult members will be able to use the network as well.
(Shutdown): Echoes of Anstreim (Night) - The Cult will obtain a copy of the Emperor’s messages in the Imperial Chat at the end of the night. - 3 uses


The Magistrate :shield:

"Blue Dragon" Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to two classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Judicial Decree (Day) - Resets the votes, allowing only you and your target to be put on trial for today. - 2 uses
Disenfranchise (Night) - Silently reduces the amount of votes required to execute a target by one. - Infinite uses
Impeach (Night) - Kills the Emperor and automatically takes their place, becoming a Righteous Emperor. Cannot be used until the third night. - 1 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Judge or The Apostle
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: Varies
Cult 1 Point Alt:
Royal Blood (Passive)
Judicial Decree (Day)
Disenfranchise (Night)
Cult 2 Point Alt:
(Impeach): Rise of the Blood King (Night) - Kills the Emperor and automatically takes their place, becoming a Devout Emperor. Cannot be used until the third night. - 1 uses


The Crusader

"Blue Dragon" Killer
Providence (Day) - If any player not aligned with the “Blue Dragon” faction visits you this coming night, they will be prevented and bled. You cannot use Hand of God after using Providence.- One use
Hand of God (Night) - Guards a target. If any player not aligned with the “Blue Dragon” visits them they will be bled by you. This does not stop their actions. - Infinite uses
Deus Vult (Night) - Attacks and kills two targets. You will also die of exhaustion the night they use this ability regardless of the ability’s outcome. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Fanatic or The Acolyte
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: Varies
Cult 1 Point Alt:
(Providence) Blood Providence (Day) - If any player not aligned with the Cult visits you this coming night, they will be prevented and bled the next day. - 2 uses
(Hand of God) Hand of Mithras (Night) - Guards a target. If any player not aligned with the Cult visits them they will be bled. This does not stop their actions. - Infinite uses
Cult 2 Point Alt:
(Deus Vult): Incarnation of Mithras (Night) - Allows the Cult Leader to kill an additional target if you are sacrificed. - 1 uses


The Duelist

"Blue Dragon" Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Schuld (Passive) - If you have killed any “Blue Dragon”-aligned players in the match, then you will not be allowed to receive votes to become the Emperor.
Versetzen (Day) - Grants night immunity for the coming night. If any attack is blocked then you will gain a use of Zornhau. - 2 uses
Mittelhau (Night) - Redirects the selected player’s action to you while also granting yourself immunity to all redirected attacks and conversions, then attack the player. If you successfully kill a player then you will gain a use of Zornhau. Disables the your night abilities if the target is aligned with the “Blue Dragon”. - Infinite uses
Zornhau (Night) - Prevents you from being occupied or redirected, then attacks the your target and kills them, bypassing healing and night immunity. Disables your night abilities if the target is aligned with the “Blue Dragon”. - 0 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Baronet or The Acolyte
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: Varies
Cult 1 Point Alt:
Royal Blood (Passive)
(Schuld): Grausamkeit (Passive) - If you become a Devout Emperor, then you’ll gain a second use of Sacrificial Offering.
(Versetzen): Opfern (Day) - Grants night immunity to you for the coming night. If any attack is blocked then the Cult Leader’s next Blood of Mithras will be free of charge. - 2 uses
(Mittelhau): Vergeltung (Night) - Redirects the player onto you. If they attack you then you will counterattack and kill them. - Infinite uses
Cult 2 Point Alt:
(Zornhau): Königsmord (Night) - Kills the Emperor, bypassing everything. If the you kill a Devout Emperor, then you will commit suicide. - 1 uses


The Thaumaturge

"Blue Dragon" Killer
Thaumaturgic Focus (Passive) - You are immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing.
Sigil of Thunder (Night) - Sets a Sigil of Thunder on your target, causing them to explode and kill the player before they are converted while also putting the conversion on cooldown. You are notified if the Sigil explodes and recasting this spell will change which player has the Sigil. The Sigil will not activate if the conversion happens the same night it is placed. - Infinite uses
Sigil of Fire (Night) - Sets a Sigil of Fire on your target, causing them to explode and kill any player that attacks the target, but does not prevent any actions against them. You are notified if the Sigil explodes and recasting this spell will change which player has the Sigil. The Sigil will not activate if the attack happens the same night it is placed. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Arcanist or The Acolyte
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Sigil of Thunder): Thunderbolt of Corax (Night) - If the Cult’s conversion is off cooldown then you can put it on cooldown to enact an additional kill that is guaranteed to succeed. - Infinite uses
(Sigil of Fire): Inferno of Mithras (Night) - You will kill yourself and anyone visiting you. - One use


The Warrior

"Blue Dragon" Killer
Combat Ready (Passive) - If you are attacked during the first two nights, you will be immune and will counterattack instead of dying.
Bloodlust (Passive) - For every successful kill, you will gain an additional night of Combat Ready.
Raging Axes (Night) - Attacks and kills a player. If the target was “Blue Dragon”-aligned, then you will lose his night abilities and they will be shown as Unseen or Cult to faction checks. - Infinite uses
Taunt (Night) - Redirects the target’s night action to the yourself. Redirects past the second night will trigger Combat Ready. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Marauder or The Acolyte
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Bloodlust): Blood for Blood (Passive) - If you are sacrificed for Blood of Mithras, then the kill will bypass all forms of protection.
(Raging Axes): Anstreim’s Paranoia (Night) - All Killer-type classes will be show as members of this Cult for this night. - One use


The Bard

"Blue Dragon" Support
Pure Wits (Day) - In the coming night you will be immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing. - 3 uses
Crescendo (Night) - If your target is redirecting, occupying, or attacking, then they will bypass immunities during this night. - Infinite uses
Allegro (Night) - For this night, your target will be healed from Bleeding and gain both occupation immunity, conversion immunity and night immunity. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Minstrel or The Ritualist
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Allegro): Chants of Corax (Night) - All members of the Cult will be seen as “Blue Dragon” to faction checks. - 2 uses


The Eccentric

"Blue Dragon" Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Magus/Steam Field (Day) - You will deploy a M/S Field around yourself, granting you night immunity and conversion protection for the coming night. - One use
Magus/Steam Golem (Night) - Sends out a M/S Golem to guard your target, giving them night immunity and conversion protection for this night. - Infinite uses
Magus/Steam Mirror (Night) - You will send a M/S Mirror onto your target’s room, causing any player visiting them to visit themselves while also bypassing redirection immunity. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Lunatic or The Ritualist
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Magus/Steam Golem): Mithras’ Automaton (Night) - Causes a Cult members to be night immune and show as “Blue Dragon” to faction checks for the night. - Infinite uses


The Patron

"Blue Dragon" Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Emergency Funds (Day) - If your target has a limited usage ability with zero uses, then you will silently give them an additional use. Cannot target the Emperor. - One use
Patronage (Night) - If your target uses a limited-usage ability this coming night, then they will not consume a use of it. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Auditor or The Ritualist
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Emergency Funds): Generosity of Mithras (Day) - Gives an additional charge for all of the Cult’s limited use abilities. - One use


The Squire

"Blue Dragon" Support
Cowardice (Passive) - Grants night immunity to you for the first three nights or until the Squire remembers a class, whichever comes first.
Pick up the Mantle (Night) - Allows you to select a non-unique “Blue Dragon”-aligned class from the Graveyard. You will change your class to the selected one by the end of the night. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Page or The Ritualist
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Cowardice): Initiation (Passive) - You will be seen as a member of the “Blue Dragon” for the first three nights to faction checks.
(Pick up the Mantle): Corax’s Guidance (Night) -You will train to become like another cultist and become the non-unique class of a target deceased Cult player and may also target a dead Cult Leader, if they were a different non-unique cult class before they were Cult Leader, to become the class they used to be. (If they used any Cult Points, you receive the powers they chose with them, and if they had left over Cult Points you may take abilities that they could have taken) - 1 use


The Surgeon

"Blue Dragon" Support
Self-Aid (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Coagulant (Day) - You will grant a player immunity to bleeding. - One use
Surgery (Night) - Heals a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any bleeding they were suffering from. - Infinite uses
Miracle Touch (Night) - You will heal a player, giving them the effect of Surgery for this and the coming night. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Plague Doctor or The Ritualist
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Self-Aid): Wells of Blood (Passive) - You will survive the first Blood of Mithras that hits you.
(Coagulant): Cursed Blood (Day) - Your target will not be able to be healed for the rest of the game. - One use
(Miracle Touch): Blood Purity (Day) - You will permanently make a player seem “Blue Dragon” to faction checks. - One use


The Druid

"Blue Dragon" Offensive
Isolation (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Wall of Thorns (Day) - For the following night prevents non-“Blue Dragon” classes from visiting you and will Bleed them. The Bleeding will kill them if they are not healed the next night. -One use
Glyph of Decay (Day) - Selects a player and all healing and removal of Bleeding on them will fail for the next two nights. - 3 uses
Glyph of Lethargy (Night) - You will occupy a player for tonight. - Infinite uses
Glyph of Sloth (Night) - You will occupy two players for tonight. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Forest Witch or The Invoker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Wall of Thorns): Vines of Mithras (Night) - For the following night prevents non-Cult classes from visiting the Ritualist and will Bleed them. The Bleeding will kill them if they are not healed the next night. -One use


The Overseer

"Blue Dragon" Offensive
Overrule (Day) - Causes your first target to select their second target if they use any day abilities today. - 2 uses
Red Tape (Day) - The Emperor’s night actions will fail tonight. - 2 uses
Order of Relocation (Night) - Forces your first target’s night action to be redirected to your second target. - Infinite uses
Order of Exchange (Night) - Select two players and force them to target each other. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Bureaucrat or The Invoker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1


The Sentinel

"Blue Dragon" Offensive
Alertness (Day) - Grants immunity to occupation and to target changing the coming night. - 3 uses
Detainment (Night) - Silently removes all of the passives and night immunity from your target. The Detainment will also last until the end of the next night except when it comes to removing Royal Blood, which lasts two days. - Infinite uses
Curfew (Night) - Occupies your target if they attempts to attack or convert a player. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Infiltrator or The Invoker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Curfew): Aid of Corax (Night) - Causes all night actions on their target to succeed. - 2 uses


The Warden

"Blue Dragon" Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Isolate (Day) - Prevents your target from using Day Abilities. - 2 uses
Incarcerate (Night) - Occupies your target wiile at the same time preventing all visits to them. - Infinite uses
Divest and Removal (Night) - Removes all limited-use abilities charges from your target. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Torturer or The Invoker
Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: Varies
Cult 1 Point Alt:
Royal Blood (Passive)
Isolate (Day)
Incarcerate (Night)
Cult 2 Point Alt:
( Divest and Removal ): Offerings to Mithras (Night) - Removes all limited-use abilities charges from their target and they will bleed in the middle of the coming day. - One use.


The Arcanist

Unseen Social
Arcane Focus (Passive) - You are immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing.
Sigil of Illusion (Night) - Choose a class and sets a Sigil on another Unseen player and they will show up as the chosen class to any Investigative roles that visits them. The Sigil is destroyed once the target is visited by an Investigative, requiring them to be recast. - Infinite uses
Sigil of Madness (Night) - Puts a Sigil of Madness on a player, permanently giving them a Mind Warp effect until you die. - 1 use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Archivist :shield:

Unseen Social
Prestige (Passive) - Only one class with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Concealed Access (Passive) - Allows all Unseen members to read the logs on the public log network. Can also use both day abilities during the same day and both night abilities on the same night.
Prosecutor’s Notes (Day) - Allows the Unseen to gain a log on the Arbiter’s posts in his chat. - 3 uses
Archive (Day) - Invites a player to the log network. The player must accept before joining and can choose to leave at anytime. Can only invite two players per day. - Infinite uses
Revoke (Night) - Removes a player from the log network. - Infinite uses
Censorship (Night) - Deletes a target’s logs if they die the same night. - 2 uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Assassin

Unseen Killer
Hidden Blade (Day) - Cut your target, causing them to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Distract (Day) - Distract a player, rendering them unable to any day abilities for the rest of the day. - 1 use
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
2-for-1 (Night) - Kill two target players. - 1 use (shared)
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Auditor

Unseen Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Black Market (Passive) - Upon becoming the Assassin, you will gain one additional use of 2-for-1 and two additional uses of Nightshade Poison.
Audit (Night) - Checks if your target has the Royal Blood passive. If they have it then the target will not be able to step up during the Royalty phase while the Auditor is alive. - Infinite uses
Confiscate (Night) - If the target has any abilities with finite usage, then you will remove one usage from each of their abilities. - 3 uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Baronet

Unseen Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Gerissen (Passive) - If you become the Emperor, then you will gain an additional use of Assassin’s Brotherhood.
Vom Tach (Night) - Deflects any incoming attack against all members of the Unseen and kills the attacker. - Three uses
Missgunst (Night) - Removes Royal Blood from a target for the remainder of the game. - 1 use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Blasphemer :shield:

Unseen Social
Incantations (Passive) - You may speak with the dead during the night.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to two classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Heretical Decree (Day) - For the lynch today all players will be lynched at L-2. - One use
Black Mercy (Night) - Selects a dead “Blue Dragon”-aligned player and forces them to use their primary night action on a living one. Cannot be used on Killer classes. - Infinite uses
Spiritual Merge (Night) - Binds a dead player to you, allowing them to speak while dead for as long as you are alive, but they will be removed from dead chat. - One use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Bureaucrat

Unseen Offensive
Overrule (Day) - Causes your first target to select their second target if they use any day abilities today. - 2 uses
Red Tape (Day) - The Emperor’s night actions will fail tonight. - 2 uses
Order of Relocation (Night) - Forces your first target’s night action to be redirected to your second target. - Infinite uses
Order of Exchange (Night) - Select two players and force them to target each other. - One use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Chancellor

Unseen Investigative
Kingmaker (Passive) - Your vote during Emperor elections silently counts as three votes.
Forged Documents (Day) - The Chancellor grants the Royal Blood passive to a member of the Unseen. - One use
Overthrow (Day) - If the Emperor at L-3, then the Chancellor can force the court to execution them. - One use
Trace Bloodline (Night) - Informs you whether your target has Royal Blood or not and their precise class if they do. - Infinite uses
Stigmatize (Night) - Removes Royal Blood from your target for two nights. - Infinite uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Exiled

Unseen Social
Unseen Traditions (Passive) - You will always be seen as “Blue Dragon” to faction checks.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to two classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Letter with no Sender (Day) - Sends an anonymous message to a player. - Infinite uses
Cryptic Communications (Night) - Sends an anonymous message to a player and they will be able to post a reply. - Infinite uses
Influence of the Black Rose (Night) - Prevents another Unseen-aligned player from being voted tomorrow. - One use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Fanatic

Unseen Killer
Piety (Day) - The Fanatic will be shown as a member of the “Blue Dragon” to faction checks if investigated the coming night. - 3 uses
Martyrdom (Day) - If a player is executed this day, the Fanatic can choose to sacrifice themselves in order to stop the execution and save the accused played while also bleeding their first accuser. - 1 use
Malleus Maleficarum (Night) - Bleeds any player that attempts to visit your target tonight. - 3 uses
Regicide (Night) - Attacks and kills the King while bypassing all forms of healing and immunities. Regicide will also kill the Fanatic the same night. - 1 use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Infiltrator

Unseen Offensive
Alert (Passive) - Grants you immunity to occupation at night and to target changing.
Tamper (Day) - Any day ability your target uses will be redirected to themselves. - 2 uses
Detainment (Night) - Silently removes all of the passives and night immunity from your target. The Detainment will also last until the end of the next night except when it comes to removing Royal Blood, which lasts two days. - Infinite uses
Off-Limits (Night) - Puts a barrier around their Mastermind or Assassin, causing the next “Blue Dragon”-aligned investigative role to automatically be prevented if they try to visit them. You will be informed when the barrier activates. - 2 uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Judge :shield:

Unseen Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Prestige (Passive) - Only one class with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Judicial Decree (Day) - Resets the votes, allowing only you and your target to be put on trial for today. - 2 uses
Judicial Conspiracy (Day) - If your Mastermind is executed today then you will take their place. - One use
Disenfranchise (Night) - Reduces the amount of votes required to execute a player by one. - Infinite uses
Usurp (Night) - Kills the Emperor and automatically takes their place, becoming a Corrupt Emperor. Cannot be used until the third night. - One use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Lunatic

Unseen Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Magus/Steam Pulse (Day) - Release a M/S Pulse around a chosen member of the Unseen, causing all players who visit them to be prevented from visited and occupied for the next night. - One use
Magus/Steam Irradiator (Night) - Sends out a M/S Irradiator to a target, preventing any healing on them this night. Cannot be used on the same target twice in a row. - Infinite uses
Magus/Steam Explosive (Night) - For the night, the Assassin will kill all players who visit their target in addition to their target themselves. - 1 use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Marauder

Unseen Offensive
Carnage (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, death at night, and will counterattack against attackers. This passive is lost once you are promoted to an Assassin.
Aura of Dread (Day) - All non-Killer roles will be prevented from visiting the Marauder this coming night. - One use
Boast (Night) - Redirects the target player to yourself - Infinite uses
Glare (Night) - Occupies a player for the night. If your target is successfully occupied and is also attacked the same night then they cannot be healed and their night immunity will be bypassed. - One use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Marchioness

Unseen Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
The Woman Behind the Man (Passive) - You will appear as “Blue Dragon” to faction checks and will be promoted straight to Mastermind if the Mastermind dies, regardless of when they die or if the Assassin is still alive. This passive is not lost when you are promoted to an Assassin, only when you become the Mastermind.
VIP List (Day) - By the end of the next night you will know which players visited the Mastermind that night. - 3 uses
Social Links (Night) - Select two players and you will receive a positive result providing both targets’ class type groupings match. Groups are Special/Investigative, Social/Support, and Killer/Offensive. You will receive either no match if they are from different groups, a good match if they are in the same group, and a perfect match if they are the same class type. - Infinite uses
Night Waltz (Night) - Removes the cool-down on the Mastermind’s Convert the next time they successfully convert a player. - One use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Mastermind

Unseen Special
Can’t Touch This (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing. Players who attempt to occupy you or change your target will believe it succeeded. Additionally, you will know who you would’ve been redirected to if a player attempts to change your target.
Lurking Presence (Passive) - If you die, then the starting Assassin will take your place. You appear as “Blue Dragon” to faction checks.
Shadowy Presence (Day) - Selects what class type you will be shown as to investigators and whether you have Royal Blood or not. Can be used alongside Foresight. - Infinite uses
Foresight (Day) - Determine a player’s converted class by the end of the day if they can be converted. - 4 uses
Convert (Night) - Change target player into the Unseen version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Dirty Work (Night) - If there are no more Unseen members left, you can become The Assassin and you will use Assassinate on your target. - 1 use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Minstrel

Unseen Support
Silvertongue (Passive) - The Minstrel will appear as “Blue Dragon” for faction checks.
Pure Wits (Day) - In the coming night you will be immune to being occupied at night and immune to target changing. - 3 uses
Ballad (Night) - Select an Unseen player and for this night and they will be shown as “Blue Dragon” for faction checks. - Infinite uses
Crescendo (Night) - If your target is redirecting, occupying, or attacking, then their night actions will be guaranteed to succeed this night. - 2 uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Page

Unseen Support
Innocent Youth (Passive) - Causes you to appear as a member of the “Blue Dragon” to faction checks until they remember a class.
Ascending Villain (Night) - Allows you to select a “Blue Dragon”-aligned class from the Graveyard. The Page in turn will become their Unseen equivalent by the end of the night. - Infinite uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Plague Doctor

Unseen Support
Self-Aid (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Hemophilia (Day) - Causes a player to be unable to receive healing for the rest of the match. - One use
Herbal Medicine (Night) - Heals a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from. - Infinite uses
Quarantine (Night) - Permantly causes an Unseen-aligned player to be seen as a member of the “Blue Dragon” to faction checks. - One use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Sibyl

Unseen Investigative
Arithmancy (Day) - Informs you the precise number of Neutrals, Unseen, and “Blue Dragon”-aligned players are still alive by the beginning of the coming night. Does not take the Emperor’s alignment into account. - 2 uses
Fated Deck (Night) - Grants an additional charge of Major Arcana. - Infinite uses
Major Arcana (Night) - Select three players. By the end of the night you will learn all of their class types. - 0 uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Stalker

Unseen Investigative
Tracking (Day) - You will learn if your target left their room last night. - 2 uses
Eavesdrop (Day) - You will learn who is invited to the Imperial Chat at the start of the night. - 2 uses
Vigilant Stalking (Night) - You will learn who your target visits along with who visits them this night. - Infinite uses
Pinpoint (Night) - You will learn who visits the Arbiter and who will be visited by them tonight. - 2 uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Taxman

Unseen Investigative
Precise Details (Passive) - At the beginning of the night, you will be told how many day abilities and which abilities were used.
Avarice (Day) - Selects a player during the day. You will be notified if they have used any Day abilities this day and which abilities were used. - 3 uses
Inventory (Night) - Selects a player and you will be informed of the total number of uses they have for both their night abilities combined. Abilities with unlimited usage count as zero. - Infinite uses
Confiscate (Night) - If the target has any abilities with finite usage, then you will remove one usage from each of their abilities. - 3 uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Torturer

Unseen Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for Emperor will count twice.
Solitary Confinement (Day) - Prevents your target from using Day Abilities. - Infinite uses
Incarcerate (Night) - Prevents your target from visiting tomorrow while also preventing visits to them. - Infinite uses
Enhanced Interrogation (Night) - Removes all limited-use abilities charges from your target and they will bleed in the middle of the coming day. - One use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Undertaker

Unseen Social
Embalm (Day) - If a player is executed, then they will flip a class of your choosing. Usable during trials. - One use.
Desecrate (Night) - If the targeted player dies at night, then they will flip a class of your choosing. - Infinite uses
Grave Robbing (Night) - If the targeted player dies at night, then their logs will appear blank. - Infinite uses
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Forest Witch

Unseen Offensive
Isolation (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Nightshade Curse (Day) - Selects a player and for the next two nights they will not be able to be healed. - 2 uses
Wall of Roots (Day) - Causes all visits on the target to be prevented the following night. - 1 use
Curse of Lethargy (Night) - You will occupy a player for tonight. - Infinite uses
Curse of Sloth (Night) - You will occupy two players for tonight. - One use
Defeat the “Blue Dragon” and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Holy shit.


Light Theme

Mafia Support
Cleanses the Soul (Passive) - Only a player using Light Theme can roll this class.
White Light (Day ability) - Shine a bright light into the player’s retinas. If they use Light Theme, they will be used to it and be unaffected. Otherwise, they will be blinded, preventing them from performing any day abilities, changing their vote, or performing night abilities tonight - 3 uses
Light the Way (Night ability) - Select a player. If they use Light theme, their night ability will be empowered. If they use Dark Theme, they will be blinded and be occupied tonight, and all negative actions towards them will be empowered. If they are Gray Amber, they will be unaffected - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Town and whoever else stands in your way.



Neutral Special
OMG!! humans TOO CUTE (dies) (Passive) You must speak like Temmie. You are immune to claimvigs and slankvigs.
hOI!!! i’m tEMMIE!! (Day): mod-reveal yourself as Temmie (1-Use)
awwAwa cute!! (pets u) (Day): Pet someone! All investigative checks used on them from now on will come back as TEMMMMIEE! (Inf-Use)
hOI!!! welcom to… TEM VILLAGE!!! (Night): Add a player to Tem Village. This will put you and them into a private neighborhood-like chat. If you revealed yourself as Temmie the previous day then you can invite two people to Tem Village. (Inf-Use)
NO!!! muscles r… NOT CUTE | NO!!! (Night): You will be protected from death tonight. You cannot use hOI!!! welcom to… TEM VILLAGE!!! the next night. (2 Uses)
Have a Tem Village with 5 people in it, including yourself. After achieving this wincon you will graduate from the game and go to colleg (you will be removed from the game)



The Warmongerer

Neutral Killer
Eternal War (Passive) - While you are alive, everyone’s wincon will be changed to “Eliminate everyone else.” Everyone without a killing ability gains an infinite use killing ability.
War, Horseman of the Apocalypse (Passive) - Death & Bleed immune.
Declarate War (Day) - Push two people into a war. Their wincon will become “Kill the player you are at war with. They are [X].” They cannot directly kill each other. 3 uses
Wrath (Night) - Kill target player. Inf uses
Ethereal Warrior (Night) - Kill target player. You cannot die by any means tonight, nor can the attack be prevented. 2 uses
Eliminate everyone else.


John F Kennedy

Blue Dragon Social

Never forget their name (Passive) - After lynching a player, you will become a BD aligned version of their class (and if necessary, rebalance it).

Defeat the scumfactions and any harmful neutrals.



The Hitman

Unseen Killer
Trained Killer (Passive) - If you fail to get a night kill, your next attack will gain a one-time tiered buff, in this order:
1: You become occupy immune
2: You bypass healing
3: You bypass death immunity (*Starting Hitman only)
Promotion (Passive) - If (Unseen Special) dies, you will become the (Unseen Special).
*Starting Hitman only
Cyanide Poisoning (Day) - Target player dies during the day, bypassing immunity. 0 uses, shared
*This ability fails if target is immune to bleeding
Blade Slice (Day) - Bleed target player. They will die in 2 nights unless healed (2 uses, shared)
Suffocate (Night) - Kill target player. (Inf use)
Restock (Night) - Gain a use of either Cyanide Poisoning or Blade Slice 2 uses, 1 use for promoted Hitmen
Goal: Defeat all other factions, and any harmful neutrals


Nexus Vigilante

Blue Dragon Killer

Nexus (Passive) - On nights where you do not perform a night action, all actions targeting you will instead target a random player. Cannot activate more than 5 times per game. (This wording does not conflict with redirection immunity)

Shoot (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite Uses

Defeat the scumfactions and any harmful neutrals.

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