54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


dude our year low is like… 35 degrees lmfao

Michigan :man_shrugging:

The low tonight is 46 degrees. Cant wait until 110 summers

I’d much rather have cold weather than hot. I find it so much easier to warm up than cool off. I need to move north when I graduate lmao. British Columbia is calling

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Also are you at Cal?

I had been considering applying but ultimately didn’t because A imagine having a completely separate application system and B imagine having too many riots

Also I was never going there over Umich for the sweet sweet in-state tuition

Which is great until they steal scholarships to compensate I guess

Nah I’m not at Cal, I’m at UC Davis. I have buddies at Cal - two Math majors and a CS major. From what I’ve heard - I think I’d much prefer to stay here. The professors at Berkeley don’t pay attention in the slightest to the students, and yeah there are plenty of riots and protesters. Also living there is impossible. Its extremely expensive - unless you’re in a dorm you’re screwed without a rich family.

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I know Cal canceled classes until the 29th, so it may well be all UCs

I think it might be all UCs as well. I heard about Cal but haven’t heard from my LA buddies yet. Thats a shit ton of students lmao

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I don’t even think this virus is worth cancelling classes over - but I suppose I don’t know enough about it

It’s highly contagious, somewhat fatal, and can cause permanent lung damage even in survivors (I’ve heard 15% somewhere but don’t quote me on that)

So I get it, especially in California

I’m just afraid it’s too soon

there was also a ton of local protesting to shut down schools and large events. A high-school nearby shut down until spring break out of fear of a teachers’ union strike

All I know is that the parties are gunna be poppin’ this weekend lmao

good thing I’ll be home playing video games with friends

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Literally how not to stay safe :man_facepalming:

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what school do you go to? just curious

my sister is at ucsd

im at Davis

ah nice my cousin went there
unfortunately he’s failed twice in a row to get into med school