54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the post you’re replying to was about elementary/middle/high schools

i was actually pretty good at band
and had the time for it
but my instrument stopped blowing air and therefore made no noise for whatever reason, the mouthpiece worked fine when i took it off the instrument

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which are normally free, unless you’re going to private school

he thinks you went to a private school

Mostly same

Our class was still 172 people and I bet at worst someone would’ve been able to talk about 150

Band was like… 100% of my life during high school. I was the Drum Major - so I led 250+ people and that took a shit ton of energy. I wish I were a better student

it’s kind of hard when the community with you in school changes seven times during ur life lol

But like literally nobody anywhere offers a combined school that isn’t private

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ah yes those were a thing here in the fall
we also had staff assistants, one of them was really pompous and tended to piss me off

I’m excepting last-year transfers and the like, although you can bet most of us knew them

i have no idea what this post means

I mean we were a charter school we were just, you know, a public charter school

Now I wanna hear you sing :thinking:

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ah yes, charter
i don’t think i’ve ever met anyone in my life that i’ve known to have attended a charter school
often i see those used as a talking point of libertarians like john stossel who i hate

Actually same tho

My brother has perfect pitch

I have the opposite

states that aren’t Minnesota are weird

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why would charter schools be a libertarian-only thing

oh they exist all over chicago
but they’re often very low quality here

they’re not
that’s just the only time i ever think about them

I didn’t even know all names of the people in my class!
but to be fair, I was on 7 different schools, after a few schools I just stopped caring

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