54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ayaya intensifies (10 hours)

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I don’t know like any of these :eyes::eyes::eyes:

It’s been 86 years?

Draw me like one of your French girls?

you don’t know take on me?

Friday by rebecca black

get out no way

is that the one that goes ‘oh it was sad (so sad) oh it was sad (too bad) oh it was saaaad when the greeeat ship went down’ or is that a different one

I refuse to believe that’s possible

Arete are you high rn

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That sounds like its from veggietales

I know 6 words in the middle?

arete how the fuck does a nerd like you not know take on me im genuinely lost for words



The VeggieTales theme

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you know

this one


speaking of this
I’m still waiting for Metagame
i’ve been waiting for like 4 years
step up your game Samox

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oh boy folk music

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campfire song song (from spongebob)

goofy goober rock

@arete you have to know these

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some of the words in this version are wrong and it’s too slow but you get the idea

Arete sing crank that soulja boy