54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Better idea

What we all want to hear Arete sing


I know the tune because we played it in band but not most of the words


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Mine is better

i can only imagine arete beating us all up while singing DMX now

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oh shit, just saw this
metagame 2020 release confirmed?

Thats so sad…

Arete play despacito


Side note: I should really buy a B0XX

at this rate maybe 2024


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20XX forever

i dont even play melee anymore cause lolhands

i wish you luck

god i’ve really been watching smash tournaments for 3 1/2 years
basically ever since Genesis 3

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that was a joke
i’ve never been any good at melee whatsoever
usually i play roy and get 4-stocked every game

you absolute masochist

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Dude i have a switch somewhere around here. I needa figure out where it is and get owned by kat in ultimate

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i’ve watched genesis, evo, big house, ceo, and many others every year for all of this time period

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this isnt despacito

this is moderately better than normal, I’m pretty sure not literally every single note was wrong

yeah but I don’t know Despacito