54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

How do you do that without walking out of class

We walk naturally a lot because the campus is fookin big

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It is still like not half of it

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I shall now banish myself to the abyss again

That movie is April 15th in the states

String cMessageStart = "Coronavirus Detected at "
String cMessageEnd = “. Instantiating 14 day suspension.”

for (var i =0; i < locations.length; i++) {
if (locations[i].cvirus = true) {
console.log(cMessageStart + locations[i].name + cMessageEnd);
// TODO: To add function for suspension here
} else {
console.log(“Is Safe.”);

Was wondering what it was

Have yet to see Frozen 2 so couldn’t have told you

And although I literally don’t know the source material I can already tell you’re leagues better at singing than me :stuck_out_tongue:

So much for awful lmao

Owo were getting closw

kendrick lamar
mac miller
kanye west
lil uzu vert


travis scott
frank ocean

I dont know Any of those

That sucks, corona really hitting them hard I see


On another note, did you ever get that HvZ group going? Was thinking abt it since I’m in weeklong rn

I don’t remember ever saying I was going to do anything of the sort?

@Hippolytus Golos is banned from Brawl!!!

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best news eu

lets play again some time i have a memey haktos deck

Are you avalaible right now? I can delay my homework for a few minutes still.

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