54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i realize i probably prounounce your username wrong lol
i’ve always said it as “air-eh-teh”


i’ve always said yours as “kaht-zay”

Mine is “En” or “En-Point-One”

it’s mar-sheet for Marshete

Marshette is Mar-shet

thats how a lot of people say it

it’s more like kat-zuh but i also don’t really mind “catsay” cause it’s kinda funny to me

i pronounced it “mar-sheh-teh”

no i use the short a not the long one

“kaht-zay” not “cat-zay”



oh, that’s unique

i can dig it

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this is the real reason we got vigged N1

dont talk about ongoing games

a true gamer moment

also that game is over kek

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it’s not ongoing…


did u win


hell no we both argued over which townie to mislynch and then got vigged n1

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omg ongoing gameee

ban ban ban ban

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on one hand i dont really wanna go thru the effort to signup on a different site to play mafia

on the other i’d really love to hydra with some people :eyes: