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Your joke

I can use this as an example.
One could say this joke is good because it’s bad, or vise versa.

They can say that but it won’t be true

It actually is.
However, that is opinion based. Let’s get a literal example.
Numbers. There is an equal number of odd and even numbers, because there is a corresponding odd for every even. Same as for positive and negative numbers; there’s an equal amount.


Yes but that’s irrelevant

It isn’t.
Because I said everything is equally positive and negative.
Not just bad jokes.

Yes and I am saying it’s irrelevant to what you mean by that

There is nothing stopping from something being only negative

There is the Law of Balance.
Another example; your body balances everything, good and bad. Once it’s unbalanced? You die.
I have given several examples. You have given none forth.

There isn’t?


Negativity is only negative



Wrong. I have literally spent the last dozen posts or so on this thread to express this; I’m not staying Positive = Negative. I’m saying Positive/Negative. Without one, the other cannot exist. You said this yourself, earlier on.

Exactly. This means that Positive and Negative exist simultaneously as equal forces, thereby proving my point correct and roasting you.

Accept defeat or risk being further humiliated.

This is why you pull your punches, kids. Then you can really knock your opponent out later.

if someone writes something on internet it doesn’t become true

Well a joke is 1 thing and negativity in joke is 1 thing why Can negative be only negative but joke has to have positive?

I was reffering to positive depending on negative in that post

infinity is both everything and nothing
it is postive and negative
its fucking weird

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this is my philosophical take on infinity
ignore the parreles to quantum mechanics

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Well I disagree obv

Some people just refuse to stay down.

I wasn’t saying that. I was merely alerting you to the existence of such a philosophical law. That is a completely different conversation for another time.

I’m saying everything is both positive and negative of an equal amount. Even if you refuse to acknowledge this, it has been a starting point for hundreds of theories and inventions, none of which I will say right now, because it’ll take too long. You can find more online - which will be written by creditable writers. You can not deny this legitimately, as it is easily proven true.

Positive depending on negative? I agree with this. But negative also depends on positive. I have already given my opinion on this.

This is complete correct, thank you.

I mean I said I disagree with that idea and u linked me something that doesn’t try to prove it?

Alrigh so this means that something is equal amount of positive and negative but positive and negative doesn’t mean in that case anything to you because positive has same amount of negative in it which means that both don’t exist at all

“This is so easily proven true that I won’t do that”

Yes but my post you referred to didn’t mean that either


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I linked you to the existence of it, not proof of it. Duh.

Well, in some cases, yeah, neither exists.

Are you trying to deny the existence of cars or electricity or the light bulb?

Unless you explain how it doesn’t, I can’t understand what you mean by this.

I wasn’t even responding to you with that, but it is true. Since I’m not concerned about proving the validity of online knowledge, I’ll just post a Quora link: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-negative-and-positive-infinity

Well, anything else?

Yea but describing something doesn’t mean it exists

No it means they never exist

I am not

Because it was reffering to other things you said

I was obviously talking about philosophy