54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

see i know you’ve actually seen it

but i still knew what’d be in that spoiler :eyes:

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Screen Shot 2020-03-15 at 8.23.50 PM

theory: katze is not one person, but a conglomerate of agents trying to pursue a secret agenda

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what would that agenda be?

To turn everyone into a cat


they’re on to me

but wait

sulit is the one who made everybody use cat profile pictures

:eyes: sulit must be the agent

not me


You had a cat pfp longer though.
You converted Sulit!

katze you’re ruining the plan, stay on the mission.


I found the scum team.

Katze: Cat Leader
Sulit: Agent
Marshal: Convertee

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see, katze is not actually a person, but an organization

the reason kat has avoided a gender reveal is because they dont have just one gender, but the gender off all working for this secret “katze”

My theory is that “katze” is only the german branch of this organization, which focuses on the forum, whereas “kat” is the discord-and-game branch of the secret operation


Marshal, you have a cat pfp.

who says i’m not bussing for towncred?

No one says that.
We all agree you are bussing for towncred.
You’re converted. For human marshal, I shall avenge him!
/Sprays water :gun:

You have now made Marshal wet.

aber wie kann ich die deutsche organisation sein?

and ‘HUNDEN’ is the failed sub-organization that tried to take over Town of Salem


ja abbruch bitte hilf miau

katze du bläst begehrlich

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