54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i wouldn’t disagree with that

its easier to tell nerds to take higher level courses if they think they can then to be productive though

partially because i still haven’t mastered how to be productive myself

where :frowning:

Case Western Reserve


where you in so far

oh boy i enjoy not being able to play tol for no apparent reason

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No responses anywhere else

You didn’t apply anywhere in the fall?

I’m shooting for 3 schools

CWR / Wake Forest / George Washington University

I did
They literally haven’t responded

That or the emails got filtered to spam

Eff this, I am going to become the one who steal others picture of their cat.

I couldn’t find my OG cat’s picture, reeee.


that seems incredibly unusual

Now you know how I feel

I’ll check my spam in a bit

a bunch of my schools had response deadlines in the middle to the end of March

I can’t speak for Geyde’s schools but that doesn’t seem totally ridiculous?

I swear I heard back from most of my fall applications in like December

schools with anything vaguely resembling rolling admission usually reply sooner

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I applied to exactly one rolling school

would anyone be interested in a turbo
im hopelessly bored again

literally can’t connect to the server lmao