54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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oh boy i enjoy not being able to play ToL


what kind of turbo would people want
i was thinking either AC or FE4 themed

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just use wine dumbass

hes too young for that

i mean usually turbos dont have a flavor

but if u wanted to do that

i’d say AC

it would probably be vanilla unless it’s mini-virtuous since i haven’t made any of the mechanics for those yet
LMK what u would prefer

I have a bit of experience with Animal Crossing New Leaf, so I’m probably leaning towards AC

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I could also run Kyo’s turbo setup

also wine tastes kinda like shit :^)

beer tastes a lot more shitty imo

you’ll learn when you’re older

Aren’t you too young to drink wine?

if you could get enough people i’ve always wanted to play vig10

laws are merely ink on paper

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no one’s too young when it’s for religious purposes haha
I’ve been forced to drink a glass of wine every week for shabbat ever since i was 7 or 8

i mean if ur drinking like bud light or some shit then sure

but never been a big fan anyways

but all alcohol bad

it’s an acquired taste