54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Imagine not being up until 1AM working on homework :frowning:


what the hell i was gonna draw 3 marshals in a circle yelling at eachother

time to be stuck connecting for another 2 minutes :pensive:



im still loading

thanks comcast

imagine not being up until 1 am because ur playing sketch.io and jackbox with the crew

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I promise we’ll have

custom words

fuck me

did i get u

I would but I don’t want toi

i don’t think you’ve ever not gotten me lmao

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ill be back in a few im gonna get some cereal

if i finally connect then that’s lit

if im not connected by the time im back ill prob just watch a movie and cry

You also live in the US while I live in the UN

wait is the UN even a country ???

it def isn’t
bad geography marsh comin out?

Very impressive, young padawan

Who wants to [play 10 round skribbl

imma pull a katze and get me some nice 1 am cereal

10 round 30 sec kek

im still not connected to the skribbl game

i tried to reconnect when i got kicked

lol, movie night i guess

Ye we left that shit.
It’s long over.
