54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

This is like

The one thing the church has ever done that is universally considered a mistake by everyone

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Most other things at least have room for debate

my ethical system says to do things that make the world better and not things that make the world worse

I’m told this is controversial for some reason :upside_down_face:

Because u suk duh

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nah im not talking about the buying ur way to heavean bs

im talking about like broader “follow jesus for eternal life” shit

Is this



How do I follow him

u know what i mean orange

wheres jesus taking me

His literal path through life?

His actions?

Playing “I Am Jesus Christ”?

this is one way that christianity is tough for me
as someone that’s only ever known judaism, it’s literally just following customs and laws
Easier at least for me imo.

on that note


hell in about 47 years 5 months 2 days and 5 hours

you never followed him on twitter?

honestly id be surprised if i lasted half that long

Shit missed that

If a (let’s move to other things to get away from religion) magic rock told you to murder 100 people to gain a joyful afterlife, would that be a good or bad thing to do?

+EV for yourself

my politics will almost always override my religion for me, so hard no to this.

i’d probably be on drugs and realize this

but even if not no

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