54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

He was here for about 2 weeks to put it into perspective lmao

I need to see this tbh


Just had my first online class

It was 10 minutes of everyone trying to join and failing before the professors called it off

This semester is fucked



To everyone in high school

Your education isn’t as critical

Please refrain from clogging up video class server space



no u



RPs don’t need to be reviewed, right?

okay so this is tangentially related to FoL. I want to add some neutrals for SFoL: Null as part of the things I’m testing in that game, and i don’t want to have to scour the entire bloody GI thread. any particular ideas?

for reference, Striboi is already in there, as is one whoose goal is to drain people’s ability uses who functions as NK Lite™ and Missionary

i may have overtuned some of these slightly but i mean
i’m cutting something we’ve been balancing around for ages for the sake of seeing if it might be a viable last-ditch solution
it’s not going to turn out perfectly first try


oh no

so now we’ve decided what we’re NOT adding to the game


i’m glad that was super productive

Insurgent is my fave. He works against starting kings faction. Its from the HOB games

I mean

you were the one that wanted to take neutrals from GI

okay fine i’ll add insurgent are you happy now

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