54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Is Inquisitor in there?

inquisitor is already standard for FoL and I’m keeping all standard neuts

Add Headhunter


Add jester that ends game and wins when lynched

how about i don’t

But seriously

Why not add Senex


Actually wait no don’t do that, variable and random wincon

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Just remove neuts completely

yeah Senex was considered but I’ve got a rolelist with one guarenteed Neutral Evil (like Sellsword, Warlock) and one gaurenteed Neutral Benign (Mercenary, Missionary) to allow me to add a lot more bullshit using the reduced swing

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add teemo the royal cat

how about I don’t

how about I don’t x2 combo

Replace neuts with Smeuts which are lost wolves/ BD survivors/ or BD that die on claim


how about yes

Does anyone know if RPs need to be reviewed?

no they don’t

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