54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Outland (I think that’s what you’re saying) is the planet where the orcs came from and has been fractured by the use of ridiculously overpowered artifacts

no i mean one of the demonhunter cards has a mechanic called Outcast on it

I’m aware

They’re on my friends list

i know enough WoW lore to get what Outland is
Boomsday Project was set there iirc

they hall of famed velen

In addition, the Demon Hunter has a keyword called Outcast, which makes cards more powerful when they are played from the right- or left-most position in a player’s hand.

those fuckers hall of famed velen and replaced it with a garbage legendary
blizzard you don’t have to make classic worse in response to buffing priest basic

topdeck god

how did they manage to make hearthstone even more bullshit

4 MANA mass shadow word death

They printed vargoth

But that was a while™ ago

i mean yes hs has been going downhill in the balance department since RoS, but the bullshit was getting entertaining by the time the 4 mana 8/8 turned out to not be very good

priest has always had the problem of either being the best class or the worst class
and i’m not sure if buffing it is the right thing to do

disagree that game has become more unbalanced
Power has accelerated sure but metas aren’t as 1-deck centric now
Meta keeps shifting every week atm

It’s a rework
They changed several cards that already exist

If their decks look like dragon priest as the general standard then that should be good

i mean that’s true

Hopefully they yeet divine spirit inner fire
Because fuck resurrect and fuck combo priest

it’s still not as bad as it was during Doom in the Tomb tbf

honestly i prefer mtg atm because it’s more complex, less luck-based, and features much better deck variety and more opportuntiies for off-meta decks