54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

But like

How often do normal-sized games not fill

Insurgency will be a good deal larger than normal.
Or at least, that’s what we hoped

It wasn’t too long ago that this forum was basically dead, and filling a 20p game was absolutely impossible.


Define “a good deal larger than normal”

Ideally at least 24

I would like closer to 30, if possible.

So then pick a number and design the game?

You can always advertise away the last few slots if necessary

yeah tbh corona is doing great things for this forums activity

36969 was hit like… a few days ago and we are already like 64 away from 40000

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Not true.
With a setup that takes this much work to craft, I believe it would be incredibly time-consuming and inconvenient to alter it in this way after signups have already opened.

thats like 32 @discobot fortune

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

That’s why you pick a number and stick with it

The idea of variable-player games has always been completely foreign to me

Well it’s not foreign to me.
Insurgency is currently a variable player count and will be balanced based on the amount of interest we receive in the interest check thread within the next week.

aight :man_shrugging:

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again, with how much effort and heart is going into this setup, I will not be comfortable whatsoever with it underfilling or overfilling in any way.

@discobot roll 1d120

if it’s 69 i do toes reveal

:game_die: 69


@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

hurry change it marshal