54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I do not have access to a Switch

there’s a reason I specified ‘that don’t suck’

well than yeah. Without a switch or access to a pool or gym equipment, I’m basically certain that nothing exists that doesn’t suck which does not require you to spend the time exersising entirely outside.

Jogging is good though. I was in cross country for like 7 years

‘outside’ might or might not end up being a problem but it depends a lot on how aggressive Minnesota ends up getting about handling the pandemic thing

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Just swing your arms around.
That’s what the man in TV told me.

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I’m pretty sure that forced curfews for adults are illegal in this country, even if there’s a pandemic.

There might be a gym near you with a decently low monthly membership fee. That might be worth looking into; idk

Pritzker ordered a cease of all dine-in restaurants for the indefinite future (everything must be takeout or delivery now). That is far different from a curfew, though.

but yes, there is absolutely no decent form of exercise that “doesn’t suck” which will not require you to leave your house, other than ring fit adventure for switch.

that sounds like the sort of thing that would work a lot better if Walz hadn’t, you know, closed all gyms in Minnesota because of the pandemic (but thank you for the suggestion anyway)


but yeah. like i said, without an ice rink, roller rink, pool, switch, or any gym equipment, literally your only options which “don’t suck” are cycling or jogging outside.

maybe some of your old friends are back in the area and you could try to schedule a cycling or jogging session with them. Idk. It’s usually more fun with friends.

get swole thru the power of hacky sack

it’s what i’d do

do you have a sibling arete

deadlift them

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you’re lucky to be in minnesota in this regard at least
Jogging outside for exercise is most enjoyable in the cold IMO

so long as you have the proper thermal, breathable exercise clothing to run in

(same is true with cycling IMO)

hot take

interest checks for FM games are pointless 9 times out of 10 because you’ll either run the game or not run it regardless of what people say almost every time


it’s very important to me to balance the game based on the player count that I will receive
So that I don’t have to waste time later re-balancing the game if I have to much or too little interest when I could have taken care of everything in advance
That’s why I almost always do interest checks. Most of all for closed setups whose player count can be altered with adjustments.