54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hello @Shurian! I’ll probably come back to playing roleplay for a bit too during Minority Rule 10. TessA is ready to fire cannons.


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Funny you say that. Hahaha…

I’d probably go outside more if it stopped raining a ton whenever my family plans to do it.


any1 feeling skribbl rn?



only 1 person joined

they were named “fuck you”

and then left 5 seconds later


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Kill them.

oh nvm arete joined as well

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I have fever since a few days
Idc :wink:

My entire family could have COVID and I would never display symptoms.

I just paid $153 for 56 oz. of aloe hand sanitizer on amazon and $112 for 15 bowls of chicken-flavored Cup Noodles on Ebay.
Shows how scarce some of this stuff is becoming

bro thats a bit excessive, when you could prob wait a week

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Both of those things are entirely sold out in every physical store i could find in chicago, and it seems both of them will still be sold out for a long time

no way either will be back in anywhere close to a week lol

i don’t think it’s excessive tbh

also aloe hand sanitizer is the bomb

they might come back occasionally but they’ll all get sold out instantly before i have the time to get there

and cup noodles

and there is no way to track them at physical stores

buying antibacterial hand sanitizer for a viral infection