54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m a cow


ive already co-hosted two games and i felt like i did a good job, even though i totally had to pretend i knew answers to questions i didn’t know the answer to a couple times…

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imagine being a first level paladin

How does it even calculate level

Lol it legit just has to do with age range and experience you put



image image

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Me taking the d&d test made me uncomfortably self aware of the fact I have no upper body strength

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Like, I have lower body strength and a solid core, but noodle arms

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How does that even work?

I can hike basically all day and not feel bad, but like three pull-ups and…no


I am right-handed

on several occasions I have managed to lose to lefties at right-handed arm-wrestling

LUL same

lost to a 5th grader in arm wresting like a month ago

How do people throw things accurately


the left arm on that thing is about the size of my arms


gym class exercise: ‘okay, we’re going to throw the spheres back and forth, and if you catch it you take a step away from your partner, and if you don’t you take a step towards them’

me, twenty minutes later, standing five feet from my partner: ‘okay’

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I can’t hit people with dodgeballs but I can dodge like 20 in a row


i was never bad at things like dodgeball

i’d always be the last one on my team alive because i could dodge and then everyone would be yellign at me to hit people and i never was able to do it omegalul

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