54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Seems legit.

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I am so thankful that there are no SJWS in this community.

@discobot fortune

do u agree?

:crystal_ball: Outlook good


@discobot fortune

do u like dog sushi? :dog: :sushi:

:crystal_ball: My reply is no


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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@Memesky help

@Luxy help

Hello, to access the functions of this bot do /roll [dice type] [list outcomes] or /fortune [question].

/fortune are u disco?

My sources say yes

Hey guys let’s all ping @Memesky so when he wakes up he gets a bunch of notifications

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Why should we ping @memesky tho?

Seems like a waste to ping @Memesky

I really want to let @Memesky know he’s doing well

Really? Still shouldn’t ping @memesky though.

It’s rude tbh

Yeah @Memesky might have mute pings to @Memesky

I think @Memesky will be fine with it