Inquisitor/Sorcerer rework (mostly Inquisitor)

Or instead of making three classes with random alignments(King is 1), you have them as two NKs, but they have to fight each other and everyone else.

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What if the Sorcerer had ability names that were like spells? Or in Latin?

Just a thought.

I would be ok with that.

The Inquisitor should have latin names, as reference to the Catholic Church

Edited slightly

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Anything to nerf the Inquisitor winrate is fine in my book.

Honestly if we were to keep the cat/mouse Inquis/Sorcerer game, we should make it so Sorcerer’s attacks work like an Enforcer’s Frenzy on exclusively the Inquisitor. That way they can’t claim to the court and get free town cred.


Cat and also Cat is fun too though right?


Kittens are cute afterall image


When you see the booty.

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I agree, Inq and Sorc need to be reworked so that Sorc is invisible to BD and INQ is actually needed to find him. And Sorc needs to be unable to deceive Inq’s abilities.

But basing completely new classes on the OP would be cool.

Imagine killing each other as last two remaining:



I like the idea of them getting a buff when they kill the other, quite nice. And I don’t feel like they’re too op, either.

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Or more likely: “Sellsword and Mercenary win!”


Is sorc intended to receive specific feedback if he does nothing as a result of his ability?

Yes. It’s basically perseption

There’s nothing saying that they can’t win together :eyes:

I’m intrigued they both have ways to find each other by means of their night kill

Sorc if something is off
Inq if his target is immune and his ability doesn’t CD

I consider each NK to be its own faction

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I like this

just thought I would put this here

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