54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

When I want to be edgy, I dont take drugs. I try to explain americans why taking too many vaccines is unnecessary


what’s your real name


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Imagine someone knocking on your door while you get DM’d on this forum

“Open the door.”

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do they?

i could prolly be doxxed but fudge up enough info for plausable deniability

Kanye West

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btw here’s a photo of me IRL


Merc knows my first name
It’s Will

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fuck i remember that being mentioned somewhere

you are now will smith

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be a real gamer and do a face reveal whilist drinking hot sauce


I’d rather have a voice call in Discord and listen to ya’ll beautiful voices

I was mod once
You might be able to just avoid the name thing by having an email that isn’t your real ass name


My firstname is Will
My surname is Throw


Me too thanks

well my name was already revealed

but i know 2 other forumer’s names for this exact reason

i made an email for forum mafia :eyes:

although this account isnt linked to it, maybe i should fix that~

Will Replace Out

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Will Replace Out When Scum