54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Do you think it stop anyone of age 1-15

okay zoomer

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I once played tol while high on meds. I was semi-throwing, so I stopped immediately. It is a good meme to say I’m a thrower, but I don’t want actually throw.

Just play FM, noone cares there about throwing 4head

Hi overage, I’m Geyde

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wait, it’s a meme?


last Thanksgiving I was at my great-aunt and uncle’s house and one of their kids (who is, for the record, an Adult, he’s multiple years older than I am) offered me $20 to say ‘okay boomer’ to his mom


Yall high

1-12 for sure

13-15 maybe? most 15 year olds i know don’t drink(“drinking with freinds” for me usually means getting drunk at a freinds house with like 1 other person drinking there and everyone else playing minecraft sober)

but also lolcatholicschool so idk

This is the internet.
Even if I did I wouldn’t say

was it me

They are not high. Just too young to understand that alcohol and drugs will destroy their health

ftr no


At those ages they’ll think kidneys are something the demon takes from them to sell for affection points from god

hopefully not

I would be very :eyes: to learn that you were actually someone I knew in real life

(also no, it’s not)

Affection points?
Is this a dating sim?

imagine meeting someone you know here

i’d be in literal fucking shock lmfao

Who knows :slight_smile:

small world

but it isn’t so, not yet

im scared to meet anyone from the forums cause if they live here they’re probably crazy and if they don’t live here they’re crazy to come here

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It’s more that forum knows my address, real name, and everything is already out there