54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

hey guys I just yawned

for any of yall that like this stuff, this is like the go-to place for great stories.
i havent been through all of them, but you can see how many people have voted for each one.

So uh… Wisconsin’s going to be under a stay at home order which is kind of like a lockdown

Yo does anyone know how to make a stomachache go away? Calling it a nerd didn’t work.


wow welcome to the club

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heating pad/something warm on your stomach

take tums
and / or a heating pad

usually the most effective thing i’ve found if it gets really bad though is to just puke it out

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wrong post reply, apologies @sulit
the above post is for @Jane


sulit: i just yawned

N: i think your best course of action is vomiting


Thanks N, I will beat the yawn


oh god i was yawning last night but it stopped should i be scared

help the weird looking cat is speaking in weird looking text

meows demonically


Since I can’t find a clear answer anywhere online, do one of you Americans know how many black presidents you’ve had?

Reeee my browser almost collapsed

Wait, who flagged this post?

A good friend of us managed to get the whole forum almost down with this stuff, a year ago. So yea NOT A GOOD IDEA

One (Obama)


Oh, sorry.

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