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that’s how I parsed it?

I didn’t see any mention of essay
I thought it was homework or something of that variety

Because I don’t get why someone would try to copy an essay

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I never did my homework anyways
But if you fake stuff for grades, thats really bad


personally for dumbass homeworks which you already know everything for i have no moral qualms with copying.

Essays i prefer not to copy(or let someone copy) on essays

or tests or quizzes obv

homework is usually graded here

personally I (and most teachers here) draw a distinction between ‘getting help from a friend’ and ‘faking stuff’? no one objects to having a friend explain the homework to you so that you can understand it, learning the material is kind of the point of homework

I was too good for my school stuff
Homework was boring and didn’t help in any way
Its optional and noone cares really
You might get detention if you don’t do it, but eh, let’s try which teachers really go so far
I had only one teacher which gave me detention for it

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Your school didn’t go by letter grade format?

Ah okay… for us it was just boring stuff which didnt matter

I think that’s only in America?

i mean here it’s optional

but also boring and almost always useless

so idgaf if i like use slader or something from a moral standpoint

oh no it is

but it has a grade attatched

I wish I had optional homework that’d be amazing.

i meant not optional

We only get grades for tests and giving good answers during class
Not for homework at all

Graded homework is best for situations like this where actually making sure you know what you’re doing is kinda difficult in class

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is this college-level or lower-level classes

at the school I attended from kindergarten to third grade homework was “required” and we were “graded” “on” “it” but it was super obvious that I already knew all the material on so even though I never did it I still got a perfect score on it anyway :upside_down_face:

…also it was a Montessori and literally the only reason we had homework was because parents had complained that we didn’t

1st-12th class. (after that you go to university, and even there your homework is almost never with grades)

covid19 would be so much worse without it