54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It’s better than saying nothing

I know my school also punishes the one that got copied off of

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I don’t know why that would be the case
I think it’s actually reasonable, since cooperating with another person should be seen as actually smart

In the case of direct copy, of course that’s fucked tho


This is the sort of thing that makes me think screenshots of the conversation are not going to be super helpful to them

depends on the homework in question tbh

at least helps with the ‘parents angry’ thing

“We decided to do this project as group together”

And then don’t show screens

its not smart
Its cheating

Depends on subject matter
My school encourages working with other people (of course they hate plagiarism with a burning passion)

They never should do that

group projects are a thing?

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Cooperating with another person is fine but giving them your essay to directly copy goes beyond cooperating

context was essay copying?
really difficult to get out of that

wait preistess did you not have group projects in school?

Group projects are supposed to be done together.
Homeworks can be done together noone cares
But tests… Never

i don’t think geyde was saying tests

he was saying essays

Which i think are a gray area but :man_shrugging:

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like the difference between ‘hey, I’m having trouble with my math homework, can you help me’ ‘sure, what are you having trouble with’ ‘indefinite integrals’ ‘okay let me explain them to you and show you how to solve a similar problem’ versus ‘hey, I’m having trouble with my math homework’ ‘okay you can write down the answer from my paper’

Aka “if you get a grade for it, dont do it”

Even with normal projects, working with other people is good since second pair of eyes
I helped another group fix parts of their presentation since a lot of it required actually understanding the motivations of the characters beforehand