54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

So… I was a good scholar. I was interested in everything. I tried to learn everything.
AND had bad grades on the same time, because I wasn’t interested in learning for tests.
Except in the last two years, of course.

I have approximate knowledge of many things, most of which isn’t academia related

I was like that untill I got interested in philosophy and then politics

I mean, I didn’t learn for school. I know most stuff I learned in school still, and it helps me every day… so yea. The grade I got in the 8th class? Who cares. The knowledge I still have? Yea that’s it.

Both of those are beyond interesting
Bringing it up around the house is a plan for a disaster unfortunately

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philosophy eh

politics yes

I got into nihilism and then I didnt really want to do school anymore or anything for that matter

obv other small factors played too but that was big one

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I never had philosophy or politics in school :frowning: or all the cool stuff you are talking about
I only had the classic
German, English, Latin
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Informatics
Social studies, religion, economics&law, geography, music
Arts, Sports

what is, then

Obviously it was being modconfirmed as a nerd

i dont think this happened to them in elementary school

I bought into nihilism a couple years back
Made me feel like garbage

I decided that it wasn’t useful to me


well thats nihilism for you, if you feels theres no point in life theres not much to look forward to

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optimistic nihilism

what would that even mean? Your hopeful theres no meaning

There’s no point to life so do shit you want to do


Well I guess that ones ok til people take away others as they dont see any point

Actually a good video tbh

“If our life is the only thing we get to experience then it’s the only thing that matters”

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