54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Holy shit

the only reason i don’t is because… it doesn’t come up that much, i guess? and i don’t like to talk about it ALL the time. just whenether it’s brought up

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I assumed this would be the case I just wanted to make sure you knew

oh yeah also i’m covering ancient greek theatre in drama so i get to infodump every third day

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that’s an actual encirclement
japan has no ports leading to that entire area

On a scale of 1-10 lets take guesses on how well me and marshal balance the game pre-review

jealous Arete noises

Wtf how

absolutely no game is ever 100% ready before review and tbh i’ve never seen a setup from you guys
so like i’ll be Nice™ and say a 7

teleports behind you
nothing personnel, kid

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also since japan lost nearly their entire army they’re being pushed into south korea

unfortunately in one of my other drama classes we covered a piece of vile sympathy porn advertising the misery of having an autistic child

but i mean you can’t have good things all the time?


i don’t blame the teachers by the way
it’s just that was the play they were set and it was on the exam, so they could do literally nothing about it

Bannerlord coming tommorow :eyes:

basically what i’m saying is that it was an attempt by the Conservative reforms of the education system to score points for being woke by including a play about mental health on the syllabus for sympathy points
it’s just
could it NOT be a play from the 70s about somebody with very obvious yet somehow undiagnosed autism covering it in a very hamfisted way, and then being paired with the literal scripted advice to, and i quote “have everybody else act naturally but have Verity (the child in question) act in a berkhovian non-naturalistic style, with very stilted and robotic movements and using chorus”


what does jealousy sound like

get it? because she’s CRAAAAAAZY

probably like jealousy

like a lizard laughing at a roast turkey

at least i assume that’s what iago meant